Can someone(s) please help me?

This is my newest Great Grandson. Can anyone suggest matches for him?


Maybe Leo?


He reminds me of BB Jacelyn if you look at the blank head.

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Willa or Macie by Cassie Brace! Though neither of them are out yet also Romily, Ramsey, and bluebell by Cassie Brace, that nose just makes me think of Cassies work.


I think you got a bull’s eye! He does look like her! This picture was from when he was first born. I asked my daughter in law to please get me some pics up close of his face at least. :slight_smile: He has changed some now, of course. He was 3 months on the 9th. He already says Mama!!! I know – I couldn’t believe it. But, his Mama puts him in her “My Story” a lot and one day she was taping him when he said it! She said he says it a good bit. :slight_smile: I am really surprised, but then I think about how much time they spend with him and I guess it makes sense. I always thought it was pretty near impossible for them to say it that early. But, all babies are different. It wasn’t “Ma Ma Ma Ma” but mama. :slight_smile: So cute.


My first thought was Romilly


Or maybe Juniper but I think it is sold out

I thought “Cassie Brace” when seeing that baby as well, as you’ve mentioned: the nose!


Are both of these Leo?

I can possibly see Leo. He doesn’t have the right lips, but they are closer than the others, or most of the others I have seen.

Edited to say: I have removed the picture. I think folks have seen it and given me ideas. I just don’t want to leave it up for a long time. :slight_smile:

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Omg, he’d make a great sculpt!! So adorable. Congrats!!

Yeah, I think I put the link to click on the first one.

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Majara by Elisa Marx. Kim by Elly Knoops.

Who sells Kim? I found pictures but didn’t see her on a web site. My vision is not as sharp as it once was. :slight_smile:

@jeanhai I found it. I may just order it. Only one left a Irrestibles I think. But, I think this one has the lips I want as well. THANK YOU!

Well, they are now sold out. I could not see where to search for the name of the kit, and I had to go through quite a few pages of babies. They DO have some very sweet babies. Maybe one day my budget will allow me to purchase some of them.

There’s are 2 Kim kits on eBay right now.

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