Can be misleading?

I always try to compare my work to other dolls around the same skill level that are selling and price accordingly, however sometimes I see a nursery with several dolls showing adopted but it also says 0 verified ordered sold. Am I safe to assume they just sold them on another platform or would you only compare to nurseries showing verified orders?

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It means that they being sold somewhere else.
However Dave also started counting/ tracking orders not from the very beginning. I think he implemented it 1.5 years ago or so, this my old sold orders are not included in the count.


You cannot be sure they sold at those prices or sold at all. Some people post a higher price than they received and if they are new, some will list and say they sold when they did not. i have over the years found some people do try to cheat the system. Be cautious and use your own good judgement… :footprints: :baby:

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It is deceptive. You can turn the adopted button yourself, so who knows if they really sold or not ? The only real way is to see the verified sales but like @YelenaRey said, it’s not there from the beginning.

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I’d only look at the verified sales.

Ok that’s kind of what I was thinking. I am not so concerned with the number of sales like those that haven’t counted from the beginning, but more so the ones with 0 sales or even just a few but the nursery showing a lot more.

That is true also. I have two keepers that I want to show in my nursery so buyers can see my work, so I put them as Adopted.


Maybe I should suggest an enhancement that only verified orders show on the adopted page of the site? That way people could still mark babies as adopted in their nursery but to show as sold on the adopted page would require a verified selling through the site. Thoughts??

I sold plenty of dolls before Dave started counting, so out of 107 dolls listed, only 50 or something like that are verified.

I have had dolls sell straight off of social media, then I go back and mark them sold there (though nowadays I just get people to purchase through the link). Some people list on reborns, eBay, and Etsy.

Last but not least, I have customers split payments sometimes. I send them an invoice, they make the payments, when finished I ship. The doll is only marked reserved while all of this is going on just in case the buyer does not follow through, but when they are done I mark sold. And there is one more sale not verified.

There was some way that was discussed to make the order verified. Something about getting the customer to make the last payment through the system or something, but I don’t bother. I care more about customer service and the ease of the transaction rather than being credited for a sale.


I have very few verified orders and I’ve been on that site for a few years. Most of my dolls sell on Facebook. Others sell on a payment plan. In order to be a verified order the doll must be purchase directly through Reborns dot com by clicking the order now button and paying in full.


Nope. That’s not fair. If I sell a doll on Facebook I deserve to have it show in the adopted section on Reborns. I pay the same $20 as everyone else. So I should get the same exposure.


If it is on reserved there is now a link you can send the buyer and they can still pay and be verified through the site. You can also edit the amount to be just the last payment if needed


I did have my Liam customer make her very last payment through Reborns so it would count as a verified order. But she’s a repeat customer so she was fine with that. It wouldn’t work for someone you don’t trust because they could just claim with PayPal that the total price was supposed to be what the invoice said…not including whatever the final payment you set on Reborns dot com. As it is, with what shows on Reborns, Liam is a verified order that the customer paid $250 for. The rest of her payments were on a PayPal invoice that is not recognized on Reborns.


When I have people on payment plans it doesn’t count as a “verified sale” because it wasn’t a direct purchase through and PayPal instant payment. I don’t see anything wrong with how this currently works. Sometimes, a doll will sell on Facebook and I’d still like to see it in the “adopted tab”. If a person marks a doll as “sold” and it hasn’t…it seems like it’s a disservice to them because it won’t be advertised :heart:


I forgot about that also - payment plans dolls are not counted as verified sale. Dave’s suggestion to lower price on the last payment and adopt the doll off Reborns just for count is stupid.


Just so I make sure I’m understanding. I send a reserved link to the customer and they pay through that so the sale will be verified. If the last payment is $250, will it show up looking like I sold a doll for $250? I can only imagine the number of messages I’d receive after something like that.

Other than that, I would share @Katinafleming concerns should any problem arise, which is one other reason I have preferred up until now to keep everything together and very clear.


You have no obligation to show the price.


That’s true. I just do most of the time so people don’t do things like ask me to make customs for $250. :rofl::rofl:


I understand that, but is a selling site. If you don’t sell through that site why is there an obligation for it to show on the adopted section? It just seems very misleading especially since people can mark adopted and whatever price they want.

Because the same $20 fee is paid regardless of whether or not your doll sells through the site. The only fair way to say ONLY verified orders show would be to say those are the only ones that require payment. Also, what about the ones that did sell through the site on a payment plan? When you start selling in the higher price range, there’s a good chance you’ll need to offer payment plans. Your idea would discourage payment plans and make the site unfair to high end artists.