Calling all salt lake city area reborners

I live in the salt lake city area and I am new to reborning. I was thinking it might be fun to meet some of you near by and plan reborning get togethers every now & then, maybe like once a month or something. I don’t know, just a thought. Let me know if anyone is interested.


Oh, I wish but I live in California.


Great idea!! But I live in Maryland.

I was just considering something like this only as a retreat in the Gulf Shorse Alabama area.

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Where in CA do you live, jeanhai? I live near Yosemite. Maybe we can meet up!

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Where in California? I am in Southern California.

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Welcome, Shayla! I’m in Florida.

I’m in Calistoga-northern California wine country.

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I live in Farr West Utah, I thought I was the only reborner in Utah ( felt that way) so welcome @shayla

I know there are others in the salt lake area, because when I place an order from bb I usually opt to go in and pick it up instead of paying shipping fees and there are always several other boxes sitting on the desk that say hold for pick up. That is what got me thinking that it would be awesome to get together occasionally and form a little reborning group or whatever, but didn’t really get anyone interested.

Come on down! I love Florida!! :grinning:

I’m in Tampa. That isn’t too far from you! Many, many moons ago, I lived in Riviera Beach. I think @kareninflorida isn’t too far from me, either. Maybe we can get together sometime. :slight_smile:

Really?! Do you come here often?

Maybe we can find a place that’s half way between us. Not sure where that would be, though. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… :confused:

I’m in Lakeland :smile:

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You and I are VERY close, Karen! :smiley:

YES! :smile: I hate driving to Tampa, though…that crazy traffic is toooooo scary! :open_mouth:

I don’t like I-4 but it has been much better since they worked on it. We’ll have to meet soon. I can drive over. :smile:

YAY!!! I’d LOVE to meet you in person; let’s have lunch one day soon! :smile:

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