Caleb is here!

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful baby…thought at first like Starr lol. I’m saving his pictures to use as models on skin tone and look at those nails, eyebrows and little to no eyelashes! I love looking at babies and baby photos.

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Congratulations! Little Caleb is so adorable. Praying for mom’s healing and thanking God for this little one.

Oh, sweet sweet little baby! Congratulations!

Congratulations! He is adorable!

congratulations on the new arrival to the entire family. He is such a cutie and very alert for a new arrival.

Congratulations! He’s a beautiful little boy!

Congratulations to all of you, he’s sooooooo adorable! :heart:


Big, big congratulations. He’s a lovely boy and looks so eager to see the world!

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I thought the same thing too…lol. Thought I was looking at real good reborn. Beautiful baby. Congrats!


Like Sonja, I noticed how alert he is. He’s so adorable!! Congratulations, Grandma! :heart:

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A www congrats !

Congratulations, He’s beautiful!

Who else is skimming comments for more pictures??? :heart:

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Ahh congratulations are in order. He is just beautiful Karen.

Congratulations to all of you! He’s beautiful. I was about to comment about how beautifully you had completed that kit, too!

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He is a beautiful baby, congratulations to all of you, what a special edition to your family. Glad to see Mom and Baby doing well!!

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Awww so sweet.

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Congrats, he is very awake and alert and cute as. here I am studying his looks and thinking hey we’ve pretty well nailed the look :slight_smile: check out his blue bits around his mouth and corner of his eyes hehehe
So small my boys were 9lb and 8lb 14oz and that was small for our family we’ve had 10 - 12 lb bubs born.
Glad Mum and Bub are well.

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Awe he is sooooo cute! What an adorable
Baby. Congrats!!

He is bigger than all 5 of my babies. :slight_smile: My biggest was 6 lbs, 3 ozs. at 40 weeks and 3 days… lol

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