Buying binge

Gulp…I have pre-ordered 3 babys in the last week :scream:

My Christmas gift to myself…YAY!!!

I got Delilah, Felicia, and Meadow Arcello…

And I’m going to get Elijah …and I would like Ana too…oh dear…

I have a definite problem here!! :rofl:


You’re definitely not the only one! :joy: I, too, am a reborn kit addict. lol

I got Tinky the Manor Elf by Cindy Musgrove, Peggy and Betty Trolls by Pepe Catala (mini 10 to 12 inch kits), 3 month Joseph awake, and preordered Mei Lien by Ping Lau. Got a lot of work ahead of me…especially with 3 month Joseph.


You chose all my faves too, how exciting! Enjoy :heart:

I have about 6 on the way somewhere in the USPS. I am nervous because 4 of them are SOLE kits :flushed::flushed:

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I feel you! I just bought Mila, Rosalie, and an Erin head. And have Meadow and Kodi on preorder.

I’ve got Charlie, Sebby and Kodi on pre-order and I want Miley, Samuel and Elijah. I sure hope they don’t all come due at the same time.

I don’t have any pre-orders going. But I paid off my layaway on Ava and Zori. Can’t wait to get started on them. I’d Love to get Meadow also.

I have Felicia and Meadow on preorder. Felicia is spoken for and I think Meadow is so cute. I have contacted Marita about Charlie… I need 2 of him. She is still waiting for the prototypes to get to her…

It’s a sickness and I think it’s contagious. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Is there a VACCINE???


Awesome! I have preordered Junis, Macey, and Delilah :heart: So many good kits coming out!

I did preorder 2 Delilah’s.


I don’t think so. We’re doomed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well if this is True Confessions I have Hani and Imani (Alien) on preorder. So much for slowing down. I guess if I only paint 4 a year that is slowing down, lol.



That little Alien is cute, can’t wait to see what you do with it!

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Oh, I totally forgot that I preorder Hani! Thanks for the ‘reminder’ @AnnieSokay :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I just received Bindi and Nod girl. And I preordered the baby sleeping dragon. Merry Christmas to me!

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I CAN’T stop.

Just ordered ava brace :woozy_face:


What’s a SOLE kit?

Sold out limited edition