Buyer says her address in PP is wrong one

I just sold a doll on Reborns. My buyer just informed me the address that is coming up on her payment/order is her old address. If I refund her so she can fix it, I am out the seller fees as PP will still make me pay those. Is there a way she can cancel the order so that I don’t have to lose those fees? I don’t know what to do…

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Haha so the naked baby dance got you a sale after all?? :joy:
I don’t think you’ll lose any money.

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LMBO! I refunded her and it reads like this:
Oct 31, 2023 Payment from shannon espinoza $399.00 USD -$14.42 USD $384.58 USD
I put a post up on the reborns site asking for help and someone there said I would not be charged either. Hopefully that was true since I already marked this baby down as it was.

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Hmmm…:thinking: that is odd. I’ve had to refund before and I didn’t lose anything that’s why I said that. I hope you will not be out your money!
Maybe call PayPal tmrw if you are out the money.

they changed the rules and now you are loosing part of that fee. Best to call them and explain why you refunded and hopefully they can refund that for you since after the buyer fixes the address you still have a sale .

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I think all she had to do is go into PayPal and edit her address.


If she has other orders and good reviews I’d probably take the chance and sent to her current address rather then have to pay PayPal fees twice.


I think that you will have to call PayPal and maybe they will return your money, but yes their rule for awhile now has been that they keep their fee if we refund. This is why I want to avoid time wasters with immediate payment required, but always risk this possibility.

Are there pictures of this ceremony? :laughing:

Congrats on the sale! x

She did that and sent the payment to me again and again it had the wrong address. Not sure what she is doing wrong. I have had to refund her twice. It does not “appear” that I am actually paying the fees but I am not sure. When I refund her she gets the whole $399 back and not minus the $14.92 fees. It does not look like the fees were taken out of my paypal either. Maybe that is only if you are selling through Ebay or Etsy that they keep the fees even though PP refunds them to the customer? I am not sure but if I find out I have paid an additional $30 to PP I am going to be upset!

In the mean time I am holding her sale open til she figures it out and I sent her a Square online request this morning so maybe she will just put her CC in there and pay it. She is trying to pay using her CC.

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That’s what happened to me, address was wrong. I refunded like 4 times before I gave up on it. Never was charged anything. But hopefully she can get her address fixed so you can make the sale.

Wonder what is going on with the address issues? She said she purchased a baby on Reborns in January and it had the right address on it then (the same one she is at now). She moved before that and it is her street address that is different. The rest is the same city/state

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Maybe she needs to call PayPal and make sure the address gets fixed. Maybe she overlooked a step :woman_shrugging:t3:

Yea, I told her to try calling them. I also sent her the Square invoice so she can go ahead and get the doll that way if she wants to. I am holding it as sold for now to give her some time. I believe she is sincere.

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I had this same exact as a buyer months ago. I changed my address almost 3 years ago and had updated it with PP. All of a sudden on my payment my old address showed, even though it was removed from my account. Luckily I was able to contact the seller and send her screen shots showing my address in PayPal was updated and correct even though on her payment end it showed an old address. I called them and they didn’t see my old address on my account so had no idea how it happened. It ended up being correct on my next order elsewhere but I never knew why it had randomly done that.


That is so weird! She paid the Square invoice so I can ship to her now. I suppose I could have gone ahead and shipped anyways to the one she wanted but I am so distrusting of PP if I do anything not in line with their “rules”. Interestingly on the Square payment there is no place for her to indicate her address so I just will be sending it to whatever she says using that platform but I will still process my label through PP to get my shipping discounted.