Did anyone recently get a 3 month Joseph (first quality) that has bumps on his left cheek? I ordered a Joseph when they just rereleased him and he had these weird bumps and a scratch on his cheek. I did contact BB and they did a replacement for it (They have wonderful customer service btw!!). I just got the replacement today and it has the same problems! Is this a common thing among the 3 Month Joseph kits or did I just happen to get two with the same problem? I’ve never gotten a kit from them with a problem like this, even seconds kits. I think it can be worked around but it’s frustrating to get a first quality kit with problems and I’m worried they will cause problems when I bake him.
Mine has a tiny scratch on the cheek below the eye on the right side.
Do you have a photo? Was it the second round? I had a second quality one on my first version. I got him with the first round and didn’t notice any bumps. His flange on his leg was thin and torn that’s it.
I got him on the first round but I bought him from a store in Germany, Dollsgarden. I didnt see the scratch until I started painting and the paint stuck in it. Ill try to get a picture later but I managed to cover it pretty well.
He was from the most recent round and was a first quality. I’ll try to get a picture later when I get home! The bumps are like the vinyl got scratched up somehow.
I just checked my new Joseph I noticed a VERY small scratch/nick in the left cheek. My guess is that it is a batch defect. Mines was seconds however.
Mine was first round, first quality and I didn’t have any defects.
Mine was first round, second quality and it had no defects either.
They are small and it sounds similar to what your head has! They are like little nicks in the vinyl that make bumps. That’s interesting that yours is a seconds kit though. It must be a batch problem Did your seconds kit have any other problems?
No other visible problems. They’re actually on both sides but not visible when painted. It does not pool paint or anything in those areas.
I’d contact BB about this, if there is a bad batch that slipped through, they’ll wanna know.
That’s good to know they don’t cause issues when painting! Do you do heat set?
Yeah I’ll probably shoot them an email just to let them know.
If the bumps are small and the scratch not deep they can be removed with a nail file.