Boy hair vs girl hair

I feel like I keep painting boy hair. :thinking:Please show examples if you will of your work that you feel differentiates boy hair and girl hair. Thank you!


Following :grin::eyes:

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Babies are born with all kinds of hair, there is no real boy/girl differential. Some have thick, thin, straight, curly every baby is a blessing with or without hair, baldies are darling too. I personally don’t care for painted hair, I root or do a combi. Sometimes you just make yourself crazy over thinking , your babies are cute as buttons ,. LOL don’t worry be happy and keep painting :footprints:.


I don’t paint hair, but I feel like for newborn size babies I root boy and girl hair the exact same, I’ve never seen a newborn and thought that little boy has girl hair! Larger babies though I definitely tend to do a bit shorter for boys and a little longer for girls, even though I know at age 6-12 months there is still no difference in real babies. For me the sculpt usually looks feminine or masculine and the hair is just baby hair :wink: Also I should add that I’ve seen many of your painted hair babies and feel like you always do an excellent job matching hair painting style to the sculpt.

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I feel like when I paint my hair straight forward it looks more ‘boy’ and side swept looks more ‘girl’

Not sure if you see what I mean in terms of the hairstyles, but it’s just how I feel haha


I think brining hairline more forward makes it look like a girl, hairline back - looks like a boy.
However nature disregards that ‘rule’ and you can see all sort of hair lines on babies :rofl:

But if you bring it forward, it’s important to avoid ‘helmets’ :laughing:


Have always had this problem. LOL Boys are my favorite but when I have to paint a girl, it’s super challenging to make her not look like a boy because of her hair.

That’s how I feel my Zuri looks after trying to make her look like a girl when she kept looking like a boy. LOL


The BOW makes it a girl!


:joy:Yes ma’am!! :heart: