Box opening fun

Who doesn’t love a great box opening. I am not totally sure how to share one from Instagram but this one just popped up and I was thrilled and wanted to share. This is a person I met on You Tube and we became friends over the Covid months. There is story behind the kit that I may tell on You Tube later but I wanted to cheer her up, it has been blizzard after blizzard where she is and she has been quarantined since last March.

Her video made it an extra special gift, so I am bragging a little if that’s ok.

She has an awesome channel, it’s small and niche, she is intelligent, witty, talented, swears like a sailer, and can tell a story, she isn’t everyones flavor but she makes me laugh and feel the feels. She really is someone special.


Beautiful box opening and baby ! The dog love her a bit too much :joy:


Everything about this is beautiful!

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Adorable baby and love her little doggie.


That was such a sweet thing for you to do…
And your Johanna is beautiful too!!!
Something for her to treasure…for sure!!!

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So nice of you! I might have said this before, but I think your Johannah is my favorite of yours so far!

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Enjoyable to watch!

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Gorgeous baby and I love how excited her little furbaby was to see the new baby!:heartpulse:

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I loved everything about this! The baby and box opening were adorable! But my favorite thing about this video is the wonderful gesture of kindness extended to a friend going thru a difficult moment :heart:


Super cool. I love it

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Gorgeous AA baby! :heart: One of the best Johannahs! What a nice treat and great friend you are!


She is my type of flavour LOL very genuine

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She is such a fun person and you made her Box Opening just divine! Nice skin tone on that beautiful baby.

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