Bountiful baby business video

Have all of you seen the video Neville made of how they started the BB business and how the business works?.i thought it was so very cool…
Maybe im the only one whos never seen it… A dolly friend sent it to me the other day…but now i lost it somehow or id add it here. Anyway.its very interesting to see how your order is processed and comes to you.
I have to say i have never yet recieved and order that had a missing or wrong item which to me is pretty amazing since they fill so many orders. .even just shipped to me! haha


The video used to be on BB home page but I don’t see it now. The reborning video links are still there at the bottom of the home page.

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Yes, it’s a neat video!


I seen it on TV I think! That may have been how I got started here can’t remember but something tells me it was a bio on discovery channel or one of the how it’s made channels lol. I know I have seen it though and I think it’s awesome how she got BB started from her garage.


Someone posted the link on here a couple months ago. I watched it.


Yes well im behind lol … That would be neat to be on How its Made
.I think it was the perfect storm … Neville into programming and Denise doing reborns and i imagine art major to be able to sculpt these darling heads. .
Then as many companies start. .a need … for parts … and wisdom to see where it could lead with them both and ability of both
well its very enjoyable to me to see this success story and how they impliment it.
I know their garage .look at it now!Awesome.


Here is the video:

Here is their YouTube channel:

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Oh thanks! i wanted to send it to a friend
