Body for Adalyn

BB no longer has this info available. Will the 2081 body work for her?

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It should. Or the other 15-17 inch doll bodies

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OK thank you! I have the 2081 here already and I put her in it loosely and it looked fine.

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The Albino Unicorn Baby is in the original body, the Fantasy Fairy Baby is in Cupcakes body. I liked Cupcakes body better, but they both are fine. Can’t wait to see yours. I have one more left, I love painting her!


They are adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Her sculpt is so sweet! I really wanted to keep her but I think she’s sold. I basically want to keep them all, so… Lol!

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I have three daughters in their 40s. I originally made them for me but gave the Unicorn to my oldest for Christmas a couple of years ago as she used to collect Unicorns, when they weren’t popular and my middle daughter fell in love with the Fairy. So I hope number 3 will get to stay with me. Adalyn is hard to find.

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