Blonde Grant

Has anyone made a blonde Grant? I want to do a blonde baby next since I got some beautiful baby blonde mohair but I was really loving Grant and I don’t know if I can see Grant as a blonde girl.

Here is my Grant as a blonde girl.


She’s gorgeous!!! Look at those chubby thighs. I have to make her now. My blonde is a lot lighter, I hope it looks ok.

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Ah she is adorable is she a keeper?

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Thanks! I sold her and I wished I had kept her.:sob:

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Don’t blame you she was some kind of cute :smile:

I did Elliott who is similar as a blonde girl


Oh my goodness! She’s beautiful! Do you happen to remember what eyes you used for her? They’re perfect.

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She looks great. That is about the shade I have.

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Thanks! I am not to sure…they might be Green meadow eyeco eyes.

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Awesome! Thank you so much!

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