
Are there any good video tutorials out there for painting birthmarks and port wine stains? I paint with Genesis, but any tutorials would be helpful. Thanks! Pictures of your baby’s birthmarks welcome :smiley:

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I have done birthmarks on a lot of my babies. I don’t have or know of a tutorial but I believe I have some pics. I just use my creasing and blush color and paint it on. I layer it maybe 3 times.


I use blood red or brown. Not really a technique. You gave me an idea for my future videos !:+1:


Great! Let us know when it’s ready :smiley::joy:

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I had a defect in the vinyl of one kit. I made it a birthmark. Used different reds and browns to get the color I wanted.

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Good idea i have done scratches but not these before

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I made a birthmark on Nino because of a hole that I fixed but couldn’t make disappear.

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Rooting lamp accident?

Yes. First time ever. If not for the price of this kit I would have discarded it.

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Don’t ask me how I know? :wink: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:
That is the reason why I do a ‘cake smash’ on my Huxley.

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