BIG BABIES......does anyone know?

“Sweet Pea (awake), Sweet Pea (asleep), Leah, Lane, Lulu, Juliet, Jarome, Tristan (all new kits) should be available end of August.”

I wish I knew more about these kits too!!! If anyone knows let me know too! =)

ps I LOVE your Cookie!

I was looking at the patterns that BB carries and saw some of those names. The outfit patterns were created for a specific sculpt. I bet those are the sculpts. Taylor, with the kissy lips, she is shown as a boy and a girl as dutch children. Check them out.

oh cool kim i am going to check it out!

oh now i see…
could this be sweet pea? … yFlyer.jpg
this tibby is precious!! … yFlyer.jpg
annie!!! … eFlyer.jpg
taylor boy n girl … yFlyer.jpg … lFlyer.jpg
and the cutest tessa ever! … rFlyer.jpg

It could be. I’d like to see Shay. I see you found all 4 31" toddlers. Kind of fun!

oh yes i was looking at shay and shes gorgeous!

Katie, I thought you found all 4 but you missed Stinker. Here she is: … rFlyer.jpg

oh Stinker even too!! I missed him- oh he’s-- imean she’s so cute!!! i like that stinker!

I hope that is sweet pea isn’t he precious!!

— Begin quote from “kathrynpgadomski”

ps I LOVE your Cookie!

— End quote

Katie, are you quoting the movie “One Fine Day” with Michelle Pfeifer and George Clooney? LOL

I love the limbs but I’m not sold on the faces.