
I just received a “notice from paypal” saying they are updating the user agreement or something like that. But it rang my warning bell. They had spelled customer “costumer”. Also the account I received the notice on was not my primary paypal account. The address it came from was unfamiliar to me. It required that I link to another site. It also said my account was limited until I did the things they requested. I was suspicious so first I went to Paypal and could find no sign that my access was limited. I couldn’t find any postings about the changes. So I forwarded the email to They immediately wrote back to say it was indeed a phishing attempt. If you think spelling isn’t important, think again. I’m not sure I would have become suspicious originally if they hadn’t mispelled customer in the beginning. The email even had paypal’s logo etc.


Thanks for the “heads-up!” You’d think the scammers would start spelling better but it helps us out. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for letting us know. When it comes to Paypal, I never trust an email I get sent to me from them asking for info. I always log onto my account first. I have had them look very legit before and they weren’t so now I don’t trust any of them.


I am so glad they have the fraud center so we can check.

I usually get two of these each week. Their email address is what I always look at first. It is usually weird.

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That’s the first one I ever got.

I got one of those but if you look at the paypal logo it is not legit.

The scam emails work really well when you’re in a rush and aren’t paying attention. :frowning:


Thank you for the heads up, Helen. I will have to pay more attention. We have been getting all kind of scam messages from what look like legitimate sites, but are not. My hubby is the one that knows what is real or not, so I usually ask him first.

I was pretty proud of myself for catching it. My husband usually deletes them before I see them. It really looked very legit.


We’re proud of you too…I have gotten these numerous times but learned long ago that you just do not ever EVER follow a link on any emails that supposedly come from any financial institution. They never expect you to link over to them because there is always a security risk…Great rule of thumb - No bank, Credit Union, Paypal…etc will EVER ask you to follow a link across to your account… :+1:


I am so glad they got to the bank in time. So many people get taken this way and it’s always the nice trusting people who do.

Wow! Glad your parents didn’t loose their money on that.

OMG!! Thanks for the heads up!!

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Thanks Helen, We all, or most of us use Pay Pal so good to know someone is out there trying a scam.

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