Belly/back plates?

Where do yā€™all get back and belly plates for preemies?! I need a set off rosebud, sheā€™s 14 inches or so, I donā€™t think the ones BB has are gonna workšŸ˜•I need an anatomically correct boy one!!

I have seen them on ebay if you would like to check there. Please share if you find some that work!

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I have some old full vinyl Berenguers/Berjusa preemies that I cut down and make my own plates. I just did on for my Ofelia and it fit her perfectly. She is about 16" though.


Sheā€™s adorable!!! I love that sculpt!!! How do u do that? Cut them down? Iā€™m so afraid Iā€™ll mess it up! Lol

Irrisistables carries a Tamie Yarie 14 - 16 in. belly plate for $19.99.


Because itā€™s from a full vinyl doll the hardest part is cutting all the thick vinyl away from the arms and legs.
I cut the sides right down the middle between the front and back and the top edge down to where it looks natural under her neck when sheā€™s ā€˜nakedā€™. :slight_smile:

Do u know if thereā€™s a video or tutorial on this anywhere? I bought the sweetest berenguer to use the back and belly from, then later I wanna reborn the rest of the doll too!! So I donā€™t wanna ruin anything! And Iā€™m nervous lol

If itā€™s a full vinyl baby pop off the head and limbs first. You may want to put the whole thing in the oven for just a few minutes at 265 to soften the vinyl if it doesnā€™t want to come apart easily. I will look tomorrow for a tutorial. I think Iā€™ve seen one sometime in the past. I just winged it but had several to spare so wasnā€™t worried. Iā€™m going to bed now but will hunt it down in the morning.

Hunnybuns Nursery, Stephanie Sullivan, had some but I donā€™t see them listed on her site now. I love them! I sent her an email to see if she will be stocking them again. .

Thanks for all the info guys. Now what about this?? I am in love with this kit! Got the body tore down so I can use the back and belly, I want to use the head, arms, and legs to make a whole nother baby. I was thinkin using a BB soft body, butā€¦thereā€™s nothing to tighten a zip tie around! Suggestions???

I think that BB sells a neck something or another that allows you to convert Nod and Blinkin to soft body kits?

I found it!!! OMG, thank u SOOOOO MUCH!!! I just canā€™t possibly let this face go waste lol

That is an adorable face. Needs a pacifier though!

Lol I know right!!! And some cuddles :slight_smile:

Every time I see a real baby with a pacifier I am going to be frightened at what may hiding behind it. Thanks Pia! - come to think about it there are quite of few people around where I live that could certainly use a pacifier :wink:

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