Belle is done(jesse kit)

She’s gorgeous. I love how you’ve done her hair xx

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Aww she’s a cutie pie!

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Ohhhh…she is as cute as a button…love her soulful eyes!!!

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I’ve passed her by a hundred times! Now that I see yours …I MUST HAVE HER!

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She’s so cute! Lovely! I haven’t seen many Jessie’s done other than the prototype. She’s so sweet xoxo

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Thank you so much guys <3

I can’t believe you did such nice work using Ruby Red. Great job!
Oops, this wasn’t actually for you @lambkinsreborn, it was in response the original post…silly me.


Thank you, after about 5 hairs I realized no way I could I do sparse rooting, So I micro rooted instead. I do think that helped. Thank you :blush:

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