Bellami Bulldog

McPherson has the Bellami Bulldog by Jade Warner, I was going to pre order but it is about $130.00 if my calculatons are correct,seems rather spendy? Oh well maybe it will drop down later.Just incase anyone wanted to pre order him/her.

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I saw that one on facebook and thought he was really cute…but the price tag not so much lol. I think I’ll admire this one from afar.

Edit: Where did you see the full price? I think it would be $109.99 ($30 prorder + $79.99 full payment)

I thought I would love to have this little dog but I think its too pricey for me too. I guess we’ll just admire it from afar together. $30.00 pre order and + $79.99. oh, I stink at math you are right $109.00 duh.:scream: I’m still failing math.Well maybe I’ll reconsider now that you helped me add, thanks:grin: Tiffiny.


Here is the link for Macphersons Bellami French Bull Dog by Jade Warner

Hé is so cute…!!..

I don’t think he’d look good at all rooted. He’s a Frenchie, they have a very very short slick coat, so he’s definitely a painted hair kit, and that might not be so bad unless you try to get all fancy and paint him brindle colored lol


Here is a WIP from the sculptor herself. She is adding hair.