Beating Hearts

Does anybody have one of our beating hearts that we used to sell, and would be willing to sell it back to us?

This is what it is: … 7_424.html
These hearts were originally sourced from “Chosun International”. Chosun had a New York office that has since closed down, and we do not have any idea where we can get these now.

We’d like to buy one back from somebody, because we are thinking of manufacturing them ourselves.

Nevin Pratt
CEO, Bountiful Baby

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I have one that I would be willing to sell back to you! Just PM me.


Carmen McNair

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I Have one also!! let me know if you need it!!

I have purchased them from BB in the past and would like to again if only you can try and make them a little smaller - that would be Perfect


Thanks, all! We are getting one from Carmen (she was the first to post).

Thanks, everyone!

Nevin Pratt
CEO, Bountiful Baby


I want to buy them if you make them also the thing that makes it look like they are breathing.