Bean n other realborns on sale

@specialmoments were you still looking for Bean realborns, she on sale.

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Thank you for tagging me. I was looking for Realborn heads however. :blush:

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Glad I saw this. I had to order another Bean, but was waiting for her to go on sale again. My nuwave stopped working correctly(guess that’s what I get for buying it used), and I totally melted that kit. I thought it was user error, but my next bake cycle I realized my nuwave was fluctuating temperature, the buttons were sticking, and the timer stopped… :expressionless: Hopefully my new one arrives today.

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Oh my, I hope you wasn’t almost done. I melted a complete kit before. Not fun at all.

I was about 10 hours in. A lot of tears were shed. Lol!

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I bet, I know how it feels.