Beach baby!

Hewo, Aunties! Here I am at the beach with my mommy ~ do you wike my swimsuit? It says “juicy” on the back. I did NOT wike the big bath water…vewy scawy…ewwww…and it was tooooo HOT out dere, so I commed home. I’se got two teef now; I’se a BIG GIRL!!!

Wuv and kisses,


WHAT A BATHING BEAUTY SHE IS! Thanks so much for sharing Karen, I’ll be you are in heaven right now with that sweet little baby!

Still haven’t gotten to meet her in person, though. Next weekend, for sure! They can NOT hold me back any longer!

How adorable!

She is such a cutie pie. I don’t know how you have done it. I’ll bet she has been on your mind every minute you have been there. So close yet so far away.

Okay…we are starting another countdown…6…5…4…3…2…1…WATCH OUT SOPHIA…HERE COMES AUNTIE KAREN!!!

Girl you better post a ton of pics of you and that baby together!!! We have also waited a long time for this EPIC moment!!!

Here’s a shot of our princess swimming in her great-grandma’s pool this morning ~ I’d say she’s a natural, wouldn’t you? Love the hat!

And Cindy, you can count on lots of pictures once I get my hands on that little Sophia. You’ll be sick of us!

— Begin quote from “Karen in Florida”

Here’s a shot of our princess swimming in her great-grandma’s pool this morning ~ I’d say she’s a natural, wouldn’t you? Love the hat!

And Cindy, you can count on lots of pictures once I get my hands on that little Sophia. You’ll be sick of us!

— End quote

This photo is ADORABLE… I love the hat too!! (her momma is a very pretty lady)…

Oh my goodness, she is just so adorable!!