BBs new babies

Im finding 3 of the last BB babies releases are so adorable .
Landon Miranda and Evelyn…Anyone else love some new ones?
Too bad the new cute ones stay out of stock except for a few times a year.
Every time Summer Rain comes up i dont have the money. ugh


Out of all of them, I :heart: Landon the most! He is a must have, for sure!


Gotta have Landon, Emma, and Dominic


I am soooo exited for new faces to paint :slight_smile:

Landon, Miranda, and Madison are my 3 favorite at the moment :wink:


Me too Karen :blush: London, Dominic, and Miranda are on my must-have list :heartpulse: I initially thought Emma was a must-have but, now I’m not sure :smile:

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Madison, Miranda, Landon :heart:


I might need Madison too :smile:

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jlesser and Babycake i forgot Madison.Your right her too!


Yeah they be out of stock in days then not back in for most of the year .blah Why is that?

I didn’t know Summer Rain ever came back! I thought she was LE :hushed:

Have you seen Brittany? She’s in the gallery under upcoming new releases, but hasn’t been officially “introduced” yet I don’t think. I love her, she looks so different from the other realborns, who all look similar to me. I also love Joseph, Dominic, and Landon too! I haven’t bought Joseph yet, as I’m trying not to buy any more kits until some of my babies sell, but I’ll get him eventually!


I noticed Brittany too. I will definitely get her :wink:

I think Brittany and Madison kinda look alike. I agree they are both cute and can almost guarantee I will eventually buy them all at least once. I like them more then the older realborn kits. Of those ones Summer Rain is my favorite, then Logan awake and Ana. I was never fond of Clyde or Kase’s kits.


Landon, Landon and Landon!


They’ve been really expanding the realborns, I love it!

I wouldn’t mind getting some awake ones though!

Miranda is my fave! So many babies coming out back to back. Bit overwhelming to be honest.

You can’t have too many realborns! I love them. I just bought one of the new twins whose name escapes me. (senior moment). She could be here today! If so, I will immediately wash her and start her up. I’m in between babies right now…

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Names escape me too Helen all the time.
Too much information stored for too many years…Brain is on overload take time for information to sift to the top! lol
. .Is it …Evelyn?
Isnt that one?

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Yep! It’s Evelyn. I call my kids my “external hard drive” and just ask them when I can’t remember something, LOL.