BB's Ladybug Kit

Good morning!
I am painting the Ladybug kit she’s adorable. Her feet are so wide. What size shoe shoe I get for her?. I think she wears a size 2, but dang I dont know if I can get that wide foot in one.

Just watch what kind of shoe you buy.
Lace ups or a velcro strap slip ons can be a tight fit. Yhey need to open up wide as her arch stops her foot from going in.

I had a toddler with fat feet. I took one leg to the store with me (in a bag) so I could try on the shoes.

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Ha, ha, I bet made an impression!

I noticed that with the arch, I several shoes that should of fit, but like with that arch I cant get her foot in UGH

Oh my I bet people were taking a double look LOL!!

They were, but oh, well. You gotta do what you gotta do. lol

My kitten(one of the triplets)wears a size 3 comfortably.


At first I thought you were talking about when one of your kids was a toddler!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Me too!!

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Oh my gosh they are adorable!!

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