BB vinyl differences

How do I tell if the Realborn kit uses the neutral soft vinyl or the firmer preacher vinyl? I remember they posted a little note on RB Harlow saying that she had a newer firmer vinyl but it’s been removed and now when I order kits, I get surprised with the difference in vinyl, thank you!

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I have heard that Harlow, Marnie and Callie are all harder. I have not purchased any of them though so I dont know personally

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Which kits are the harder vinyl? And WHY are they different?
I have seen nothing but negative comments about the difference.


Oh no, I just got Callie, how difficult is her vinyl to work with? I did notice the diffrence in color, its very pinkish :hushed:

I just bought Marnie today. I wish I would see this post before that :frowning:


I just ordered today also ugg