Bb realborns

I got Asher awake! I had to borrow some money for it but I was determined to get at least one while it was on sale LOL I’m already feeling the addiction and only working on my third baby…


Oh yah, that’s how it happens, soon you will have a stash of kits you AIN"T gonna believe!!! LOLOLOLO


One of my biggest dilemmas is trying to figure out who to do next!!! It’s tough!!!


Fridaaaa…that is if the kit arrives soon lolol.

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I know!!! Yay!!! I am deciding if I should do a quickie on one of my kits to practice the skin ones we want… And it will keep me busy until she gets here!!!

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Yes… I think I will! There are a few things I want to try … I’ll pick one to be a quick little practice babe for the real thing!! :heart:️:heart:️


I wonder what color vinyl she has? I can match it to one of mine, so I can make sure the neutralization is perfect.

I dunno lol…German vinyl I think.

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Ok… That’s what I thought. I don’t have a Karola kit here to look at. Hmmm! I’ll figure it out! :kiss:

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Lolol maybe we should PM instead of taking over this thread! :laughing:

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Hahaha Frida isn’t even for me! She’s for a friend! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


lol lololooll :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


Oh no! LOL I better just get a designated area ready for kits.

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It’s over tonight.
Oh God I just ordered another kit. D It’s Puddin and she’s discontinued. My husband doesn’t know I ordered her today. I’ll just say she came with KASE and Kimberly and I don’t understand how and how the credit card got charged. Shhhh



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Thank you love!!! You are awesome❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I got 8 Kase Asleep. He looks a lot like my nephew who passed, so, I am going to make then and auction them off for birth defect research. I couldn’t resist the sale…and now I am beyond broke. LOL!


Yes, they will take over like Trilbees, your money shrinks and your babies multiply and soon you can’t control yourself you are screaming its a sale I must have that one.Addiction happens quickly…

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I behaved a lot better than some of you. I just ordered Thomas awake and asleep during the big realborn sale.