BB ran out of 3 month Joseph kits before filling my order

I ordered 2 of the 3 month Joseph’s on the buy one get one sale and lost 2 custom orders when BB wrote to say that they ran out of stock before my order was filled.Just so dang depressed right now as I have never been let down on a BB order.I fill like crying.Did anybody else not get their orders?

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Oh wow, sorry to hear.

Guess I didn’t need that $$$$ in sales.:cry::cry::cry:

That’s really too bad. I lost an order once because it took months for the kit to be restocked. I’ve never understood why it takes that long or how low the inventory gets before supplies are re-ordered.

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I will get over them running out and they just refunded my money tonight.I just hated to lose 2 custom orders.Was depending on those $$$$.Customer was more pissed than me. lol


OMG it is showing as in stock on the site.They tell me that my order can not be filled and then it shows as in stock.Well this is the first time I have ever felt like they did not offer good service.I have just contacted them and asked why I was told it was out of stock and my order could not be filled and now it is in stock.Feels like they just did not want to fill my order.Maybe because it was on the buy one get one sale.You know even if they only had one kit,they could have sent it and put the other one on back order.At least that way,I only would have lost one custom order.This has me just totally wrecked.


It does show in stock but if you try to add 2 it cant. So they only have one kit. :frowning: They should have at least let you know that and had you choose another kit to get free if that was the case


They just said they were out of stock on the 3 month Joseph did I want a refund or wait until they restocked and my customer wanted at least one of her babies as a present so I didn’t feel right about making her wait on them just in case it was not before Christmas.They asked did I want replacement kits but did not say they had any Joseph kits at all.They said Joseph was out of stock.I wish they had sent one and I could have waited on the other but I didn’t know they had any of him at all.I know it’s not a lot to lose for some people but I lost a profit of almost $1000 on her order.She was paying $650 each for them.Long time customer that has over a dozen of my babies.I just hated to lose her as a customer on this order in case she never comes back.I know it sounds greedy but I sure could have used the money.

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No, losing out on $1000 is definitely something to be irritated about. If I had an extra Joseph kit, I would sell it to you, but unfortunately I just used my last one for a semi custom. :expressionless:

I’m sure you will keep your customers. They have to know it’s not your fault when the kit supplier runs out of kits.

I am one of the ones that help pull orders and we didn’t have any left a the time we tried to pull your order. The website was wrong. If there would have been one in stock Avery would definitely given you the option to have one shipped. I am sorry that you lost out on a custom for him.


Ask here is anyone has an extra or try eBay.

I refunded her deposit on her babies and she is not really mad,just upset that she can’t have her little fat Joe’s.I am sure she will find another kit that she likes as good.It just upset me when I refunded her money(she had paid half in advance).This lady will probably order again and will probably have changed her mind on the babies she wants by the time she orders.She phoned me this morning and was very nice about it.I did tell her to check out some of the babies you guys have on reborns and see if she finds any she likes.

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She is thinking about Landon as an alternative present for the girl she wanted Joseph for, so that is a possibility and I have a couple Landon kits here.I love the Landon kit.He was my first suggestion when she ordered.I am hoping she decides to get him.


I couldn’t use the sale cause the 4 kits I was wanting were out of stock. Oh well, they’ll come around on sale someday Now I have more dolly dollars for other needs.

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Landon is a great alternative, especially on that 300 body. Hope she likes him. He’s definitely a top seller for me… I’m finishing up version #10 now. :blush:


I have a seconds kit of him -if you could use a seconds- I hate to see you lose out on that much profit ! -it will be forever probably before I get to reborn him -so I m sure they will have more seconds before then lol - u can let me know -I think I paid 60$ for him ( plus shipping )


That was so generous and sweet of you!


We are all good.She has decided (thank heavens) that she likes Lavender and Landon better and we are back on and all set to go.I am charging her a little less but didn’t lose one of my best customers.The best part is,I already have the kits on hand.


So glad it all worked out :heart:


I am thrilled.