I haven’t bought from BB in a while because of these % sales ans “closeout” and “discontinued”. One day a kit will be $17.99 then next day 50% off and its $34, its a closeout then it is discontinued. Tibby was a discontinued now its on sale and back on the site. You don’t know from one day to the next what is really discontinued or what the price will be or will it return the next day at a different price. There is no continuity on the site anymore. I can’t even count hpw many prices some of the kits have been and how many times it is a closeout or discontinued or what percent they will say it is one day to the next. What do they think? We can all see the changes and we all know that the daily prices will change and we are not dumb, we do notice these crazy things. I know I will get some irate people or be slammed for my opinion but it has been bugging me to speak out. Thanks for letting me vent.
No you’re right
At least everyone gets a cheaper price.
Yes nice to get cheaper price but they change them constantly and you wonder should I wait a day or buy now? They need to have some kind of consistency.
Yep youre right. And add to all that, their shipping charges are ridiculous, even if you order something small you have to tack on a huge shipping charge that costs more than the product itself . I no longer buy anything from BB.
Idk I’d rather know how much than have to wait to be contacted to pay actual once they weigh stuff like macs does. I ordered rooting needles and hair and paid $12.95 for shipping and I had to wait three days to get my shipping invoice to boot. That was the last time I spent under $100. Now I just wait and add stuff on when I buy a kit OR more often than not add a kit
The hard part is buying stuff from BB on sale… then the next day a kit I REEEEEEALLY want goes on sale
I think they are going through an overstuffed warehouse and have shipments of discontinued kits still coming in from before they were discontinued. A sale is a sale and I’ll take it I do like knowing who they are discontinuing so I can snag them before they are gone forever if I want. I was looking for neveah and when they had her in stock i spent a ton on discontinued kits just to get her and splurged on some others just because. Turned out I got refunded for neveah cause when they went to ship my order there weren’t any in the warehouse so
I think they aren’t staffed like they used to be either since covid
Thats what I am saying:grin: Maybe they should do inventory and then set a price or % and do not change the same price on a kit every other day. I wait and watch then you hesitate because what will change tomorrow?
Well all the prices went up once again today LOL!
I can’t stand it either. I made a large purchase to restock a couple of months ago, and decided that was that. Fin.
I’ve stopped looking. I don’t foresee myself buying from them again. I was going crazy trying to figure out what I should and shouldn’t buy. It’s also just so frustrating to buy something and then within a couple of days it’s on sale AGAIN but for a fraction of the cost you just spent.
But you saved $ when you got in on sale just not as much as you could have. It could have gone out of stock and you’d have missed out all together and then if it was something you really needed you’d have to pay more to buy it from someone else
These are things I tell myself when I get frustrated because I have held out on a few kits to wait and see if they got cheaper and missed out I did eventually find neveah from a forum member and happily paid full price. She will sit for a few years I’m sure
Someone on the forum was looking for Tibby and it said “discontinued” so I offered to sell miine. Low and behold it isn’t discontinued it on “special” today for such a low price it is’nt funny. I can’t understand this mess form day to day even with Nevins “explanation”.