BB Honor Sale Item that has been reduced if bought same day

It’s not a big deal- but I just bought Sienna seconds today and I’m a regular customer- I bought her for $24.95 now she is $19.95. I guess I will send an email and see what they say… any ideas? thanks, Kristi

I just got 3 in the mail today and paid 24,99 now they are one sale for 19.99

i should think they would honor that because if you send it back and buy it again then they would be in the same position, and you are a regular of course. its worth asking for sure. bol

They refunded me! Thanks BB!


I did the same thing with a Cozy kit I paid for it there were no sales, as soon as I went back Cozy had some 2nds on sale I emailed and within a few min. someone got back to me. I cancled the one order and made another and now I have a Cozy and a Gena comming =) Love the coustomer service Thanks BB!!!

I wasn’t so fortunate. I wrote to BB yesterday, and haven’t heard from them. I purchased Cozy when it went on sale for 24.95 the other day, and two days later it went out for $19.95. I haven’t even received it yet, so I wrote them. I don’t expect to hear back at this point, but I do understand their position. I would have waited for the sale price for sure, but I wasn’t expecting it to be available again for lower so soon. That’s just the way my luck has been running these days.

— Begin quote from “kristi”

:?: It’s not a big deal- but I just bought Sienna seconds today and I’m a regular customer- I bought her for $24.95 now she is $19.95. I guess I will send an email and see what they say… any ideas? thanks, Kristi

— End quote

Our sale pricing is not retro-active. However, we can cancel an order that has not yet shipped, and create a new order with the new (sale) pricing. That has the net effect that usually if you purchased that same day, but you purchased at the higher pre-sale price, the sale price gets honored and you get a refund.

— Begin quote from “kristi”

They refunded me! Thanks BB!

— End quote

It sounds like that is what happened here (because you purchased that same day)…

— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”

I wasn’t so fortunate. I wrote to BB yesterday, and haven’t heard from them. I purchased Cozy when it went on sale for 24.95 the other day, and two days later it went out for $19.95.

— End quote

But didn’t happen here (because it was ordered two days prior to going on sale).

Bountiful Baby