BB gallery idea

@bountifulbaby just an idea but i was thinking if the babies gallery photos was changed say every 6-12 months maybe it would help sales, I bypass most babies because they never catch my eye due to repetition … now if you gave a different picture of the baby maybe it would make me change my mind as it would feel a completely different baby lol … sorry if it sounds silly but i buy babies straight via photo sometimes without looking at finer details xxxx


I agree!

I think they should do a contest of sorts for their kits and let us submit pics. They can choose a few they like.

Some of the ladies on here have done some great versions of kits I would have never looked twice at because the pictures in the gallery just don’t show off the kit the same.


Can we throw in some Alternatives at least during Halloween?


I so agree with this! I also prefer not to see proto type work all the time, not everyone can paint like Silvia or Jacky it would be nice to see the average painter’s work.


That is a great idea. I saw a doll today I had to find what it was because it was so cute. It was a B.B. but I don’t like the one on the gallery.


Make it a contest

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That’s a great idea!

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I agree. I’ve had to search in the search box in the forums to look at different images of some kits because of images in the gallery that didn’t draw my attention.


agree @jlesser some of the forum members work is beyond gorgeous.


Yes!,and all though the poised pictures are lovely, i would like to see full face ones. I have to see their full face before i buy.

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I was thinking the same thing the other day. Sometimes I’s just so familiar with a certain doll that I don’t look anymore. I wouldn’t suggest new pictures. That would be too expensive. Just rotate the ones in queue.


It would not have to be forever just short term and maybe send in pictures as you finish a doll and they might post that picture for that week then back to the original. Or a bigger contest get your doll pictured on the gallery for the month.

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If we freely submitted our pics with watermarks for them to use and there was no award or anything for being chosen…
wouldn’t it be free? They would just need to edit the template.


Our reward would be that they used our picture.