BB Customer Reviews

I get a good giggle every time I go through these on the Bountiful Baby site. I don’t understand how someone can give a one star review and them say how pleased they were with thier kit. Or a three star reviews and rave about the amazing kit quality and BB is thier favorite reborn store ever! Or take away stars for the slow postal service or the fact that they had to pay duties and taxes… things that are so beyond BB’s control. :crazy_face:

The ones that are disappointed in the fact that they only got doll parts and not the beautiful baby they ordered make me sad though cause those people are thinking they got scammed :disappointed: but I’m pretty sure it’s in the description that it’s just the vinyl parts not a finished doll and bodies,eyes, hair etc need to be ordered separately

I really wish more people would post reviews and photos of the finished kits. I love seeing all the different versions and visions!!! Someone very clever made a baby Shrek out of a Blinkin or Nod kit. Such a cute idea!


I actually know the artist that made that Shrek out of Blinkin, because she’s the one who purchased my Avatar. We have stayed in touch and have become amazing friends. She even sends me updates of my, well her, Avatar dressed in new cute outfits. I love that! :heartpulse: She learns things from me and I learn a LOT more from her because she is fearless and more willing to give anything a try with her kits…which is what stifles my creations…fear of trying something new.

I like looking at the reviews too…i don’t understand the happy 1 star reviews or faulting BB over the shipping speed/arrival…you are right, they can’t control the mail system.

Another cool thing about reviews is when you see the dolls in the review on reborns…someone had the same idea for cupcake fairy that I did and they just recently sold it on reborns the same day I bought Thor. lol


I know I have seen some strange reviews on there as well! I think I saw one on a body that gave it three stars and the reason was that they ordered the wrong size lol


Sometimes it’s as if people don’t understand how reviews work. 1 star with an excellent review, I see that so often.
And people that are surprised that they only get vinyl doll parts should really learn how to read… Or check more pictures. The blank vinyl parts are shown right there on the same page.


Lol see! I don’t get it but it is entertaining :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Same! Lol. Saw a review the other day on a newly released kit… Not a single thing was said about this kit… Just wanted to let everyone know how unhappy they are about the amount of kits that are out of stock currently.


See now that is sad! Seems like that person should find their way to the forum :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Do we really want that? Lol

There are already so many people upset about the lack of kits available. BB can only do so much to get their stock back up. We’re all hoping it happens soon.


I LOVE the reviews!!! I love seeing pictures of people’s completed work. There is a review I just saw for Johannah Awake, with a picture of twins made from Johannah awake and asleep, and they are absolutely beautiful. Not sure if the artist is on this forum or not. I always see all different kinds of beautiful work in the reviews!


I like seeing the different versions of the kits as well. Some are super precious and some are craft paint specials. What really makes me laugh is when somebody posts a picture of the wrong kit in their review. :joy:


Well they would have been in good company :wink:

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In a perfect world, BB could just snap their fingers and all would be completely stocked and in the best vinyl ever! BUT, unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. :slight_smile: