BB Christmas sales

Do they typically have a sale for Christmas? I’ve got some things I want to order, but will wait if there will be a sale

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There’s a coupon in the calendar. Good thing I didn’t realize this until I got into Christmas shopping mode. I don’t need any more kits. :wink:


Yes you do!! :crazy_face:

There is no more room. It looks like there’s a little room in that top bin. But I just paid off a layaway and it has to go in there. Then I have to find room for the other 4-5 that are on layaway. I haven’t even been doing this a year. Right now I have 61 kits. That’s AFTER selling about 20 blank kits. I need rehab :tired_face:


LOL!! Me too Katina!! I don’t think you’re alone…I love looking at the BB website. I’m almost out of room and will be when my sale order comes in…Kit diet in January??:roll_eyes:


I said kit diet in October. I failed.
I said kit diet in November. I failed.
I said kit diet in December. I failed.
Maybe I need to tell myself to buy all the kits in January. Maybe that will jinx it so I don’t find any I “need.” :grimacing:


Oh wow!

I should count mine, I guess :wink:


When I buy kits, I write them down on a note saved on my phone. There’s a chance some may have made it to the bin without me remembering to write them on the list. But I’m going to choose to believe that the number on the list is correct. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have a spread sheet with lots of info on my kits. Then, I have on the same spread sheet a list in alphabetical order of all the kits I have purchased.

Another list of the ones I have done and one for the one in process. :slight_smile: I don’t have nearly so many as others, but I am cool with that. :slight_smile: I don’t want to get so many that I feel overwhelmed and just shut down. I only have 37 total. I have only been doing this since March of this year.


My name is Annette, I have been buying kits since March 2016, I have 40 unpainted kits, various bodies, miscellaneous heads, limbs and eyes. :scream::blush::joy:


Wow! Let me know if you need to destash.


Yeah I have random heads, arms and torsos in cabinets, closets, and I’m so scared the wrong person with a telescope will think I’m a serial killer.


I have two big bins and they are both full to the top. I have one of my new kits still in his box and I have a couple coming so I either need to buy a new bin or start painting like a mad woman LOL.


I bought another bin. But I know if I start it, I’ll pack it full. I have another bin with random wips. And I need to use the new bin for completed babies. I have several layaway babies to go in that bin, as well as the ones that didn’t get listed in time for the Christmas rush. And let’s not even get me started on the clothes bin, weight supplies bin, blanket and accessories bin…if I had room in my house I would make one of those fake beds to disguise all my bins. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Now you’re my kind of gal! Lol

I have a big stash of baby clothing, too. I don’t ever let my hubby see it, ha!


Lol. I had about 65 kits before I made 6 customs. Then I bought about 7 or 8 more kits so I’m probably a little over 65 now. :flushed:


They can’t stay low. You move 4 kits out, 8 move in. In chickens we call it chicken math. I have 5 chickens. I also have 5 doll kits. :grimacing:


I have one word for you ladies: UNDER BED STORAGE BINS! Ok 4 words :wink: My husband never checks under there :wink:


I know. Every time I see a good deal on a kit, I have to buy it. Like there’s never going to be another sale at BB. :joy:


Under my bed is packed with some of his guns. He really doesn’t mind my kits. He just balances it out by buying himself guns and ammo :joy: