Baylor's ears

I’ve just started painting Baylor and I noticed his ears are very asymmetrical. One is farther back than the other. Has anyone painted him and noticed this? Just a little weird. Lol!

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I haven’t painted him, also don’t have the kit but my 3rd daughter’s ears are like that.

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One of my ears is just a tad lower than the other which makes my glasses kind of crooked. Not a lot but just enough to irritate me. Lol!


A lot of kits are like that in some way or another.

You’ll notice little things like that with lots of kits on the market, the one that bugs me the most is: Eyes that are a different size, it drives me nuts cause it’s hard to get a good ‘look’ with different eyes. They always look wonky to me. Hate it!!

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I love wonky eyes! :laughing:

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Fun trivia: people with asymmetrically placed ears are better able to pinpoint the source of sounds.