Bad rooting

I’m not sure my Quinn’s rooting was done well. I’m almost positive he had more hair than this when I got him. Should I try and root him myself (keeping in mind I’ve never done this before)…? Just not worry about it…? I’ll admit I’m a bit disappointed but :woman_shrugging:t2:

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She may not have sealed it on the inside. You should let the artist know. Even if you don’t want to return it, she needs to know so she can prevent this in the future.


Oh that’s a good idea! I really liked working with her, she’s a very nice gal. Not that you needed to know that, lol I don’t want her to feel like I’m complaining, over all I’m very happy with him :slight_smile:️ Anyway, I’ll do that, thank you :slight_smile:

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He’s super cute. She did a great job painting him. I’m sure she will appreciate it if you tell her in a positive way instead of her finding out later from an angry customer. And as much work as she puts into her dolls, I’m sure she wants to know how to make her work last. :heart:


Just my thoughts, but if you have never rooted before, then I think it would not be a good idea to try it on a really nice baby like this one. :slight_smile:


Hahaha, those were my thoughts too.

I messaged her and let her know. She’s mortified and that much more worried because she thinks it might be the alpaca hair she used and she sent three more dolls out with the same hair. Poor thing, first she asked me to send him back to her (she offered to pay postage) and then after I agreed to send him back she offered to send me a new Quinn :flushed: I told her I thought that would be cheating her and anyway I am quite in love with my Riley, even if his head has become a bit bald :wink: I hope she manages to get things figured out for those other dolls.

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My real babies had a ton of hair when they started out. Theirs all thinned out some after a few weeks. He’s just acting like a real baby. :wink:


LOL, right?!?!! Mine only lost theirs in a small patch at the back though; this little man is an overachiever :wink::joy:


If you’re handling and/or brushing it a lot, it could break off after a while. Mohair can be quite delicate.

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That’s good to know! But no, this started right off the bat. I thought a little might just be leftover from the rooting or what not, not cleaned up well, you know? But suddenly the little guy has hardly any hair anymore.

I’ve never used alpaca but it seems to me to be more fragile.

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Poor thing, she’s just about beside herself.

I wonder if she rooted the wrong end of the alpca.

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I’m glad she found an understanding customer like you. This could have resulted really badly for her if a jerk had bought that doll.

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Katina, I’m so glad you suggested I tell her. I wasn’t going to because I didn’t want her to stress about it but because I did she had the opportunity to message the other doll Mommas and let them know in case they had the same problem. I know if I were one of them I’d really appreciate that and it would keep me from becoming upset if anything actually happened.

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Hopefully your baby’s problem is a fluke. That artist does beautiful work. It would be a shame if she had to re-root all the heads she’s ever rooted.

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Mine was the first she had done with that particular hair so at most there would be four with problems. But yes, I hope mine is the only one. Not only does she do great work but she’s SO great to work with. She’s very serious about her work with dolls (she’s a professionally trained artist, specifically with oils, so she does more than just the dolls) and wants to do the best by her customers too.

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It was probably the alpaca hair. The one and only baby I rooted with alpaca, my Saskia, has the same problem. Two months after I sold him, the customer messaged me that all his hair fell out. I had her send back his head and I rerooted him for free. I haven’t heard back from her since so I’m hoping he’s fine now.

Oh, thank you! I’ll let her know! May make her feel better.