Back , but never really left!

I came to this forum back in June. You ladies have some of the greatest advice . I have been listening and working to better my skill. 20 plus baby’s later I still have a lot to learn, ever day there are new questions to be answered and problems to be solved. I just want to say thank you. And maybe in a few more years I will be were I want to with my art. Here is my latest little one.



Well, welcome back! 20 babies since June? Yikes!!! I’m seriously slow.


Awe she’s a cutie :blush: I love her ivory dress!!
Welcome back :slight_smile: you have been busy

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Welcome back, great baby!

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Well I get into it and can’t put it down. Sometimes it takes up all my free time and husband can get a little frustrated, but he really doesn’t mind.


Welcome back. Cute baby. I know what you mean about getting into it. I took a head to root to the hospital with me when I had surgery.

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The dress I watch the after Christmas sales at stores. To get outfits for photo shoots. Easter is the next one I am watching. Also our Kmart is closing so be buying up blankets for shipping. 75% off is always good.


I know I take them when we go to visit the kids. I don’t get car sick so I work on them then to 3hr. ride.

Welcome back! Your baby looks great.

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Oh, she is darling! Welcome back.

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