Back after a break

I took a long break from reborning and I just started back. Man…it is not like riding a bike. I am starting from scratch so I feel like it’s my first time again. I would love some feedback on my first doll after the break. Critique me! Also, if anyone could give me some good advice for painting hair? How can I get a nice dirty blond, or brown color, instead of this reddish color I got here. I always rooted in the past, and I’m not opposed to doing it again, I just don’t know where to buy the good mohair anymore. I used to get it from the place in Canada?


Your hair doesn’t look reddish to me, but if you want to take the red/orange colour out of your brown mix in some blue or black.

Ok, I will try that. Thank you.

YES! Slumberland…that’s the one! I still have a bit of it. It’s the only thing I still have aside from my oven. Best of luck to you!!


I also use silkeffex. It is my favorite.

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Hey girl you still got it! Beautiful!

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I loved it but don’t have much available most of the time.