Baby Legs Update

Well, until I find my old camera or my parents let me get a new one, this will have to do lol. There’s a couple little nicks in the leg I have to fill, still. :slight_smile: I’d love some honest feedback!


absolutely beautiful, you have such a talent

Perfection Izzy!!! You amaze me!

Those little toes are amazing​:blush::blush::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Wow! Everything looks great, I love those little feet!

Thanks so much @Semantics, @Nikkiroc, @annalane58, and @Pat!! :heart:

Izzy, those legs are better than some by adult artists. You go girl!


Awww, thank you so much @Quinnlee and @bebe. Means a lot!!

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I’m going to need a full body one too Izzy! :wink:

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That is so amazing Izzy! They look perfect in my opinion. Fantastic job!

WOW!!! They are perfect! Awesome Job :heart_eyes:


Love those little legs!!

You are soooo talented !

beautiful i love those little feet :slight_smile:

They are amazing, izzy. You are doing great.

Thank you so much everybody! I appreciate all the comments! :slight_smile: (((HUGS)))

Wow…what a talent you have…and such a nice humble person, always encouraging others…you have a winning combination…Amazing amazing talent… …!!

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You definitely have a gift! So much talent ~ those legs and feet look perfect to me!

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Aw, thank you so much for that. I’ve only been here since June but everyone has been super nice and supportive right off the bat. I love this forum!