Baby I just put on

I priced her for $95.00, my husband says that’s too low, what do you all think?

I think a fairer price would be around $150, if not more, depending on experience, etc. because I can’t see how you’d be making back the cost of supplies with only $95. The mohair, kit, body, stuffing, eyes and paints cost a lot. She’s adorable by the way!


That’s what my husband says, I guess I have a very hard time putting price on my dolls, I feel like I’m asking too much​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, I sold my Asher baby for $115​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, hubby isn’t happy, he says I’m losing money. Thanks for input, I may go and change her price and see what happens :blush:


I agree that $150 would be a much better price. Be brave. :slight_smile:


I have to agree with your hubby. You definitely lost money on Asher. Why don’t you ask what your husband would charge? (And then consult with us again.) Sometimes another person can put a more realistic value on something because they don’t have any insecurities about the quality of the work. A good general rule of thumb for pricing is to double the cost of all supplies-kit, body, weighting, stuffing, paint, mohair, eyes, eyelashes, clothing, pacifier and any other accessories then add at least something for your time. I wouldn’t sell this one for less than $150.00 and you still might be taking a loss if you calculate costs. What size kit is this? My preemies sell for $150 & up. Pricing was the hardest part for me to become comfortable with. It’s not too late to change the price.

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Well I put her up to $100😁, maybe tomorrow I’ll make her a little more.


It might be better to start at $200 so you have some wiggle room if you need to reduce the price later (if somebody doesn’t buy her tonight). Then, just be patient and her new mommy will find her.


Thanks😊, I’ll try that, and see😊

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