Baby Hiatus and other boring stuff

It’s summer, I decided to go on baby Hiatus. I think I needed a break from painting and everything… I tend to stay busy and distracted. My drug of choice is sugar, my vice is over working myself. I love to be busy but…I am feeling like all of me needs a break, needs a change.

My little will only be ten for a tiny bit longer, he is growing up way too fast, I am growing old even faster I need to be more present and just enjoy some down time.

No vacation for us this year, flights are just way too expensive and I am not a fan of long road trips. He really wanted to do Yellowstone but the thought of driving for days made me feel tired before I even started.

Maybe next year?

This year we are going to swim, eat popsicles, go to parks, have picnics, find a beach and build a big ol sandcastle…

Staycations can be amazing, simplicity can be your friend. It is usually painfully hot this time of year but so far I have worn shorts maybe twice, I am not complaining, I know it will get plenty hot soon and I will be melting.

I bought a 50 year old boat that needs a lot of love, I will be slowly rehabbing it over the next two years, need to sell some babies to pay for the project! I think it will be fun for us. It is like a floating fort. We spent the night on it earlier this week, brought sleeping bags, sandwiches, watched a movie on my phone. It was really fun. I am going to fix it up little by little, one bit at a time. Every time I go out to it I will bring a few things. My little guy loves the ocean, wants to be a marine biologist when he grows up so being out there is nothing but fun times. For me it will be some hard work and I have no idea what I am doing but I am doing one small chore at a time, enjoying the process, last week we ordered a toilet, tossed out all the old stuff, used a lot of bleach to clean things but mostly we just floated, and enjoyed being on the water.

I have to sell my little vintage trailer to pay for the boat, not excited about that, I love it, it has been a spare room for guests, our sick bay during covid, and it is just a fun little box of goodness. It will be very sad to see it hauled away, Hopefully a nice family with kids will buy it and make some great memories.

I have a pile of babies that need painting, usually I can’t walk past it without adding a layer of paint but I know they will wait patiently until school is back in.

I am hearing over and over how sales are down, I am hoping it is just a weird cycle and it will get better. These are strange economic times and I don’t know what it is like where you are but everything has doubled and in some cases tripled in price where I am. I took my little guy to Ikea to get some water glasses and just kinda roam around, that place can be fun, we find all kinds of weird stuff. We love to have lunch there, the food isn’t great but it’s cheap and who doesn’t love some meatballs (they have meatless Swedish meatballs now). You use to be able to get a kids plate for 1.98 and a regular lunch for 5 bucks, now the kids lunch is 5.98 and the regular lunch is almost 12 bucks. Whaaat?

We are not going out to eat much, it is just too silly, groceries have gone up a bit but I can still feed my whole family a really good dinner for under 30 bucks, an ok dinner for under 20, a quick dinner for under 12. We went to a cheap little Chinese place we love and dinner was 119.00 not including tip.

I was kinda blown away.

I live in a very populated area, a city surrounded by other cities and not far from really big cities. Things tend to be a little more expensive in this neck of the woods (AKA high density housing) but geebus it has gone loco.

They are going to tear down our shopping mall that has been there since the beginning of time and turn it into housing. Honestly malls are gross. I think the trend is to create outdoor spaces for shopping and gathering, back to that “downtown” vibe. Glad to see it, but I still think shopping malls are kinda icky.

We need more places for people to live and less places to buy more stuff. Where I live it seems a bubble tea shop pops up every couple months, kinda strange, watch out Starbucks!

I am rambling…miss painting babies like I use to, but I kinda like this pace a little.

Hope everyone is having a great summer, check in, let us know what it is like where you are, how is your weather, what are you summer plans? Oh and add in some favorite summer recipes and treats, always looking to try new things.


Almost halfway through my summer break. I always start to panic inside because I am always so tired once I go back to work (part of the job and part of my medical condition). I hate to see the summer end. Will be going back sooner this year because everything in the building was moved out for remodeling and it will take twice as long to reorganize. I packed 200 boxes/items from my room!! I always struggle with wanting to get to do lots of things versus just being a vegetable over the break and a lot of it has to do with my energy level…then I beat myself up about it emotionally. This year, like always I’m trying not to let it bother me.
I also can’t do much due to the economy. I was a vendor at a regional show and didn’t sell anything. It was very slow. People ooed over my dolls but no babies sold so I am doubting myself again. This makes me not want to paint much. But, I took advantage of the location and did a mini beach trip. The place I love (and would love to live one day) has in some cases quadrupled in price so I just couldn’t afford it this year. The place I ended up didn’t compare at all (I only went to the beach to walk around a few minutes). But I enjoyed being at the pool at least and I ate some good food a couple of times. I’m already looking forward to next year, trying to plan and save money so I can go to my go to happy place. I always go the week of my birthday. This year I’ll be home. I had some unexpected bills and I am waiting to see when I’ll have insufficient funds in my account :roll_eyes:. Maybe I’ll get on a painting kick…add them to my stack of babies that won’t sell hahaha.


Always love hearing from you Gina. I am a homebody, so when school is out, I love to spend time at home, doing art mostly. I have been doing a lot of painting and drawing. I love it so much and have so many ideas. I want to paint a few babies too. I really don’t paint too many in a year. Most end up being for myself since I don’t sell or I give as gifts. Will I ever sell, who knows? I have so many babies that are half done too. I have two I need to root and I just don’t enjoy that. I need to finish rooting Zodi but I lost the strawberry blonde hair I was rooting with. If anyone wants to say a prayer, I am out of ideas of where to look. She might get finished with white blond :woman_shrugging:t2:When I think about who to paint next, I don’t know who to choose. Right now I am thinking Bean and Sprout or Evangeline.

Besides those hobbies, I have been going through old photos from my grandparents’ house. I’ve enjoyed seeing pics of my great great grandparents and other relatives, seeing my grandparents when they were young, photos and letters my grandma sent to grandpa during WW2. I’ve been collecting photos from the hunting cabin we would all go to in the summer, and photos of the farmhouse my grandparents lived in and that I remember from growing up. It is so bittersweet sifting through memories when my grandmother doesn’t remember anymore. I miss the farmhouse and wish I could go back there and ride my bike, play basketball with my cousins, and play with the newest litter of kittens, and have big family dinners. I wish my grandmother knew who I was. I need to visit, but it is hard.

We will be taking a vacation this summer to Vermont. I know we are staying in a cabin a few days, and going to a beach probably and amusement park (not my thing I read while they play). Last year we went to Maine and that is my absolute favorite state. I’d much rather vacation in the north than go south.

I have been dealing with pretty bad anxiety this past year, so trying to get back to normal life and not let my thoughts overwhelm me. It is a struggle
. I spend lots of time snuggling with my pup. She is the best.

As far as a recipe, the only thing coming to mind is a crockpot recipe for molten lava cake. It tastes so good with ice cream. We think it tastes best after it has been in the fridge for a day or so and eaten cold.


My husband would love this. I have to try to get some weight back on him and I think lol this would help. He lost 50 pds on chemo and they don’t want him losing more weight because he will lose more through stem cell transplant it things work out.


It is soooo good! I think I’m going to make some when we get home from Father’s Day dinner!



I love all the oics…but this one is sooo sweet!


I know I want to frame this one! It is in a stack of photos that she sent him in the service. He kept them all and they are all still rolled up. She wrote on the back instead of sending letters. One has a picture of her in little shorts and top or bathing suit. She wrote “you better be good or none of this will be waiting for you when you get back. That’s means you and no girls! I love you honey.” :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


We …well ME…are homebodies…I don’t like going places just to “go”

About my favorite place to go is probably the Smokies.

  1. Bc its “country”
  2. Bc its relatively close.

I like doing cheap things…drives…Cades Cove…hikes…playing in mountain streams!

Beaches are just ok for me.
We have spent so much money on this dang house lately…we were not going to do a vacation.

Chris and Sonia are looking for a beach house sometime in July and insisting we go too…their treat…so we are going to go!!

May go this week with my brother up to Erie to see my neice for a day or 2…they have a place up there.

For not going anywhere…all of a sudden we are going everywhere. :rofl::rofl:

I have been on baby hiatus for almost a year and am chomping at the bit to get started back…yet i worry about sales being so bad.

I am sad that you have to sell your trailer…it is soooo cute…but…you get a boat…a boat you can actually stay in…now that is going to be an adventure!! How sweet to sleep in that gentle rocking cocoon…you are gonna love it!!!

Eating is one of our favorite summertime activites!! Well…anytime activities!!!

So you have an ice cream maker…we used to sit on the top to hold it down while dad cranked!!

Now they have electric ones that do all the work for you…:wink:

Homemade strawberry or peach is the absolute best!!!

We will make some for july 4…thought about doing it today…but we already had too many desserts coming!!

Watergate salad…blueberry crisp and pretzel pie!!! :yum:

Prices are like that everywhere i think…i seriously don’t know how people are feeding their families…let alone take them to restaurants…I hate going grocery shopping bc I come home in a bad mood evey single time…
I am thankful that we split a beef with the boys and I have meat…Chuck asked why I get mad…bc I dont have to buy it… I told him it makes me mad for these young families working 2 jobs with little mouths to feed…

Ok…enough of that…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Back to recipes…this is what almost every grandchild I have asks for their birthday dinner…Nutty Buddy Cake…it is sooo good if you are a chocolate lover!!!

And…of course…here is my all time favorite summer place :rofl: I only actually get to hang out here on Sunday afternoons and for a few minutes on some weekday afternoons.


Oh that dessert sounds wonderful! Reminds me of a Peanut Buster Bar or parfait from DQ in the way it sounds.

We were talking today about wanting a recipe for peanut butter pie. There is a local restaurant here that serves southern cooking food. The owner’s Mom used to make the pies and this was one of them. She no longer makes them thus we can’t get a peice any more. I don’t know what was in them but Mark says he wants to find a recipe to make them. Yours sounds very similar actually but this one was not ice cream.


Try it…it does remind me of a peanut buster parfait…only 10 times better :relaxed:


Summer hasn’t even begun here, last day of school is June 29th. My youngest is graduating from grade 12 next week. I’m looking forward to a carefree summer where I stay up all night and sleep in. My kids are old enough that they are working and doing their own thing most of the time so I’m really feeling my freedom. I want to work on babies mostly. We are doing Reno’s on our house so I’m hoping we make good headway on that, it’s been a project. We used to go camping for the summer. My husband used to haul the trailer and me and the kids out to the bush and leave us there all summer and he would come out on his days off. Since the renovations and Covid and all the kids working we just haven’t been going, but it was definitely fun times. My husband always wanted a house boat, it would be a different kind of camping experience.


We are hanging out of home and grilling. I do want to go to Allerton Park. I have not been there since I was a kid.

I make this Christmas, Thanksgiving and in the summer. In the summer I freeze it. It makes a good almost ice cream. I love to eat it frozen.

Cherry Delight




  • Mix all of the ingredients together and chill overnight.
  • Enjoy!

P.S. I love this kind of thread…

Used to be we talked about more than reborn dolls…our kids…families…work…food…how your day/week was going…hobbies other than dolls… you name it…I love hearing what all of ya’ll are doing :heartpulse::hugs::heartpulse:


This sounds amazing!!!


Angie, go on Pinterist, there is a lots of peanut butter pie recipies. Simple to make.


Sorry that your show wasn’t profitable. I think it is strange that every where things have doubled or tripled in price and we have to pay it because we need to eat, have shoes, drive a car but here in dolly land our prices have had to come down to attract or to give buyers a break. Shipping is up, supplies for almost everything are up (especially if you use HSP) shipping is up, but we take the hit.

People tend to get upset at the price of luxury items but when things go up in price we don’t, we take the hit.

Hopefully reborn painters will see some baby dollars at Christmas time.

I don’t do shows. It’s really a money hole for me. All that stress, setting up, display and transportation costs a hotel, fees. If I did or do a show I consider it marketing, getting people to see my work in person, you get to meet new friends, see internet friends in person, and hopefully grab a few new clients…

I was at some funky outdoor art event this weekend, they had everything from moon rocks to robots made out of trash, they had people making cupcakes in jars, painting on sweatshirts, a lady selling only vintage finds, my gawd they were amazing, some kids selling junk jewelry that was really incredible. I think if I ever did an outdoor event I might consider that one, it was unusual and people there were looking for the unusual. Again, don’t think I would make a ton of money but it would be fun just to watch people react and interact. The poor babies would get way over handled and every one has crab fries fingers.

Look around for a boat if you want to live on the ocean, marina rent is cheaper than apartment rent and if you don’t mind a moldy old fixer you can get a boat inexpensively. It is tiny house living for sure but worth it.

Hope things get better.

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I love these photos!!! you need to make some cool art with them, maybe have the kissing photos blown up into a poster!

I am sorry about the anxiety, I have some but I don’t know what it is like to have debilitating anxiety. I like to say it was a luxury I was not allowed to have growing up. Honestly, anxiety needs to be honored, as a kid (my generation) we just were not allowed to feel the things we needed to and it always pops up some where else. For me it is anger and sadness, not having boundaries or filters.

All the memes that say “When I was a kid we just did the work damn, climbed the mountain, raised the kids, plowed the fields, walked in the snow, drank from a hose, didn’t wear a helmet, we weren’t cry babies!” They leave out, that people who were forced to push down feelings, fears, emotions, also beat their wives or kids, became alcoholics, workaholics, didn’t know how to relate to others in a meaningful way, and sometimes jumped from bridges. We have to do better, anxiety is a real thing, like pain, it is a tool, it tells us “this is where I need to pause and take care of myself”

I am sorry you are dealing with it, glad you have a furry buddy who helps.

I am totally going to try that lava cake recipe, thanks.


You say you are a homebody but I think you are an adventurer! When you live in the city it is heavenly to spend time in nature, on a boat, hiking, relaxing in some cabin with spider webs and creaky floors.

Is that a tree house in that photo.

Around here you could Air BnB a hammock and a tree house for 300 bucks a night, people would pay it! and if you have a little land people pay to park their RV, Van, Tiny house on your property for a couple days just to be out in the country. My daughter paid to “camp” on some guys land. No electricity, toilet, shower, he was just close to the beach, had a fire ring he made and a little sign. 65.00 for the night, pack in, pack out, leave the money in the mailbox.

I love that you get to live the way you do, and I can tell you understand what a blessing it is.

What the heck is Nutty Buddy Cake, totally have to try that sugar goodness.

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Kids who are doin’ their own thing is an accomplishment and a blessing, glad you get to feel a little carefree.

Home renovation, hard work but how exciting.

You must miss those summers with littles camping…

They grow up way too fast.

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That park looks amazing! and that desert! Holy I am going to make all of these then complain about how I can’t seem to lose weight!

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