Baby Feet---Come see who created each

The artists of each of the feet are listed below. Congratulations to all who participated—both reborners and voters. Very impressive. Thank you for sharing your work with everyone.

Feet 1–Sandy

Uploaded with

Feet 2–Kristi

Uploaded with

Feet 3–Pia

Uploaded with

Feet 4–Denise

Uploaded with

Feet 5–Kym G

Uploaded with

Feet 6–Alma

Uploaded with

Feet 7–Kim

Uploaded with

Feet 8–Carmen

Uploaded with

Feet 9–Ginny

Uploaded with

They are some adorable lil feet! great job everyone!

Thanks Kim… I like the way the poll is set up so that the votes are all at the top and not beside the feet. Maybe you can explain how you did that for future contests…

Thanks, Pia. I just listed the photos just as we do for sharing. I first typed in the “title” and the pasted the link below the title. When you go further down the posting page you will find the section for polls. There you type in the titles. In this casr, Feet 1, Feet 2, etc. I just keep the photos separate from the poll.

— Begin quote from “kimomax”

Thanks, Pia. I just listed the photos just as we do for sharing. I first typed in the “title” and the pasted the link below the title. When you go further down the posting page you will find the section for polls. There you type in the titles. In this casr, Feet 1, Feet 2, etc. I just keep the photos separate from the poll.

— End quote

It is a much cleaner looking contest and easier to figure out the voting. Hope you can help Debora set it up…

Looks great, Kim – thanks for doing this! So fun to see all those cute little FEET!

What a great voter turn out!! Come one, come all.

Ludmilla, that possibility is still there. What do people think? We can acknowledge 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

— Begin quote from “kimomax”

Ludmilla, that possibility is still there. What do people think? We can acknowledge 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

— End quote

You can do whatever you like… I don’t think there are any set rules…who is doing the “winner’s logos” for the contests? She would just have to do 3 instead of one… Or did Ludmilla mean that everyone should have 3 votes?

Anyone else saying in their head “This little piggie went to the market…”?

I think #7 had the best coloring but #9 had the best nails. I think #3 nails are great too… Was a hard decision.

Good luck all!

When settin up a poll you can select “Options per user: This is the number of options each user may select when voting.” If you choose 3. This could be used for 1st 2nd 3rd…

Unless the poll is closed, I think comments about who is winning and what a person likes might best be saved until it closes… I think the cute #7 is a set of Libby limbs so it could be Fei Yen or any of the babies that use those limbs… I have them in my stash to use with my Cooper head and if that is who they belong to, I am anxious to get them out…

bump. Thank you Kim you will have to teach me this way. I went to breakfast with hubby this morning and saw a friend whom I have not seen in a while but keep up with thanks to Facebook. We are both EMT’s and understand the crazy job. We had a small cry about Buddy. It sure feels good to have someone else to cry with.

Thanks Kim for putting this together and for identifying the entries… #7 were your little Libby feet??? Would you show us the whole baby? Those were definitely the winning feet!!! Congratulations…

Congrats Kim!!! Definitely the cutest little tootsies!!! Thanks for doing this too!

Congrats Kim