Available Now! Denise's Happy Grandson, Joseph Awake!

Good Afternoon Everyone!

We proudly introduce our newest Realborn®, Joseph Awake! Joseph is the beautiful grandson of Denise Pratt. This happy little man is available to purchase now! Click HERE to Make Him Yours! His release is also featured on our homepage at BountifulBaby.com


We can’t tell you how exciting it is to see him as a Realborn®, we hope you all adore him as much as we do! Joseph Awake is about 18 inches long with full vinyl limbs. The precious real baby was 6 lbs 7 oz when he was born.

The real baby Joseph was the happiest newborn we have ever seen! We are thrilled to have been able to capture his joy in his Realborn®, he is such a priceless baby! We are really looking forward to seeing all of the adorable versions of him. We would like to give a huge thank you to our prototype artists as well for reborning him so beautifully! To see more photos of his prototypes, click on his item, found here: Joseph Awake Remember to add a Joseph Awake to your cart while you’re at it. :wink:

The Bountiful Baby Family


He’s so adorable! That smile! :heart_eyes:
I love the video!

Couldn"t resist this one so, I didn’t. Oh no not again,bad girl.:smiley_cat:

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