Autumn (kit of the day)

I couldn’t resist though I may change her arms out.

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Already sold out.

Sold out before 8AM as usual. I have caught one sale in the last month geesh.

I was lucky enough to grab one. I have one painted here waiting for hair. I hope this is a good seller.

Crud. That’s the one I wanted and I was napping.

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Missed it again! And I wanted one!!

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I really wish they would post the new kit of the day at the SAME time everyday, that way we’d have a better chance at getting one

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Darn!! I missed her. :weary:

Besides newborn June arms, would Lavander arms work?

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I saw her on sale but didn’t grab her I have painted her once she is cute I’m donating my Realborn autumn to cps for holiday time to foster kid

I’m wondering if her arms would lay more naturally if the body was somewhat under stuffed in the shoulder/arm area?

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Doesn’t Brooklyn have similar arms and fists. I find her hard to pose.



Kit could make a nice cuddle baby.

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Yes, she would. Brooklyn heads were available last I looked. I had gotten a couple last time. Cuddle babies don’t sell as well for me, but I don’t discount them a lot because the bodies are expensive lol

Man, I wish shipping to Canada was cheaper! I have to save up and place A huge order just to make it cost effective. I miss out on the sales

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Same. It’s not worth it otherwise.

Harlow is back again.