Asher Awake release?

Anyone know when asher awake will be available? Any new releases of realborns? I know there are a few coming.

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He’s supposed to be available mid-January. Should be any day now — I hope!! I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for this one : )

YAY! Can’t wait. He looks happier than his sleeping version. (:

There is a drawing coming up soon for 3 winners of free kits (numbesrs 1-3). In the past, they have mailed these kits out before putting the baby up for orders. I feel like they will continue with that plan.


He is available now!!! :smiley:


I thought they would wait until the people who won the contest got ther Asher before they released him that kinda stinks I ordered all my stuff to reborn him nice eyes hair etc. hoping I could almost have him done before he was released but there is no way that will happen now I should have my kit tomorrow an I’m gonna start him right away still but kinda bummed they released him I wanted to have him up on eBay before there are a lot of them for sale well I was gonna keep both asleep/awake Asher but decided to keep my sleeping Asher an list the one I won after I reborned him I wish they did it the same way they did with the other kits :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed::disappointed: Im so bummed but I am happy for u all that have been waiting for him

I won Asher Asleep and I got shipping notification about a day before he went up on preorder so received the kit a day or two before everyone else got theirs. It is the same way they have done all the give-a-ways. There will be some on eBay early next week. I think Pumpkin Patch is usually first. Lynn is pretty fast. Have fun reborning your baby and be sure to show us your WIPs.

Oh I thought it was a little longer for some reason well either way I’m still starting mine asap an I will post asher when I get a few layers done I’m really excited but I’m not fast yet lol the rooting of coarse will take me the longest an I ordered him some beautiful baby blue glass eyes :blush:

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I love the new bodies :blush:

The new bodies are a huge improvement, but I hate the “Frankenstein” zip tie at the side of the neck!