Arguing with myself

Hi y’all! :smile:
I can’t decide what to do with my Rowan kit. I wanted to make it a festive Halloween baby for the holiday, (vampire) but my family is totally against the idea because they said vampires don’t sell well. What should I do? Do you think Rowan looks more like a Vampire, or a regular baby?

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I think she makes a perfect Claudia from interview with a vampire!!! Google it! :heart:


I would say as close to Halloween as it is a normal baby would probably sell better. But if you’re wanting to do something different for fun go for it. Another option, and maybe good for that sculpt, make her an elf for the Christmas challenge. You’d have plenty of time to sell that kind of alternative baby :wink:


Thanks ladies! :heart:

I say do what you feel, cause when you have a vision already it’s gonna be hard to get that out of your head :slight_smile: I’ve been wanting to do Rowan…can’t wait to see how yours turns out

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Thank you! :smile: I am leaning toward a vampire because I want to try something new, but I am still not sure yet. Aaaah!

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I have decided that the baby is going to be a human! :blush: She will be a little girl! :purple_heart:


Go with your vision. I find I always do my best work when I go with what my heart sees in the baby rather than what others think. Vampire babies have their market year round and so if it is well done it should sell. If it doesn’t sell, you have made something you like from your heart and therefore will be joyous in keeping it too.


Very well said!!! :wink: I think I will make it a Vampire, now!


Started making her! 3 layers in!

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Ooooo… a WWO vampire! This should be interesting. sits impatiently and waits, tapping foot :wink:


Awww! She’s adorable! :heart_eyes:

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