Argh! Split Vinyl

I’m so so so so freaking frustrated! I just finished my Realborn Chase after 4 weeks of painting almost daily. I was so happy with him, after being in a kind of talent slump with my last few babies, I finally finished a baby that I thought was just perfect! I put him in the oven the cure his final varnish layer and his arm just split open! I had him at 270° in a nuwave for 7 minutes. I don’t get how this happened, what a random spot too, this is a disappointing first :sob:


Oh wow, thats never happened to me but I can definitely understand your frustration. Its kinda scary to to know this can happen :confused:

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:hushed: Maybe one our more seasoned artists here can help you. Sorry this happened.

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I would contact BB for replacement, but you would have to match all colors again - sorry, this is so frustrating!

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I wonder if it could be mended ? I’ve noticed MacP’s warns against heating kits, but then most artists use heat set paints. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Call Bountiful baby or just send them pictures in their email on the website. They will replace it. I’m painting Chase and I’m noticing alot of flaws with him


Wow, what the heck?!

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Was he stuffed with anything?

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No, which is why I thought the spot was so odd. I’ve had one or two split at seams before but never in this random spot.

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