Are your babies flawless?

I know my babies are not perfect… but I have had a couple customers who expected perfect :flushed: :worried: I try really hard to get them close to perfect :weary: with no such luck. :disappointed:


Even the babies I think are perfect have flaws! But what someone would call a flaw, someone else might not. And some times the kit itself has a flaw in the vinyl. If I see something I think is a very minor flaw I would photograph it and if there were any major flaw (this happens to me a lot with the vinyl itself) I will photograph it and make it known in my listing that there is a flaw That I think is major.

But again everyone has a different opinion


We are all human and no one is perfect but it’s not always bad to be critical of your own work. It’s also very likely other people wouldn’t be as critical as you are and would instead look at the whole baby and see a beautiful creation. When you are super critical of your own finished work though, it shows you where you can change things for the better next time and it helps you grow!


This is so me too! It doesn’t help that I sold one and never heard back from who bought it and it has me paranoid

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Just curious, are you basing perfection on others posted photos… (It’s hard not to do & what else do we have to compare ourselves to?) Or is it a personal benchmark. Professional vs. reg photos make everything look better, even well done reborns. Personally, i tend to be overly perfect and always go past the point of no return. Meaning I have a huge pile of parts. Now, I try to work with some mistakes and make them a feature instead of stripping. With air-dry, I have a huge problem with dust, specs in my paint is a constant battle. I think as long as you are up front about your work-perfect or not, people will know what to expect, and that’s honesty.


When I first got into reborns, I thought artists and collectors were taking their reborns to professional photo studios for photo shoots.

Photography is such a big part of this hobby, but most learn to do it at home.
Still, lighting, use of colors, making everything look beautiful and staged, finding flattering angles for the sculpt…
If you’re comparing others’ reborn photo shoots to what’s on your worktable, that isn’t a fair comparison…


Yes I am comparing to others photos… there are some that I know no matter how hard I try I will never come close which is fine… some people are so naturally talented. I have a dslr and can take decent pictures but what I don’t want is to misrepresent my dolls with great photography and leave a customer disappointed.

Any doll looks cute dressed in clothes and squished like a real baby… well most dolls I should say lol


Now we’re talkin!!!
(Had to screenshot some from my reviews lol) but it’s all about having the right light and angles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my babies are sooooo not perfect but the photography part is the fun part for me when I have the time to get into it lol! That was why I got into reborns to begin with!


These are gorgeous photos! Especially Pearl! :heart_eyes:


Those are all examples of pics I compare to and say wow those are perfect!! Great work!

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Mine are not flawless. When I look back at the first babies I made and sold I want to cry. I sold them inexpensively but still. My goal isn’t a “perfect” baby, the most realistic baby, a baby someone else might like. I make babies to please me, I go for a vibe, then hope someone else gets it, and appreciates it.

What is perfect anyway.

I think we all have our standards (I am talking like I am the pro, I am not). For me I like a baby that looks like art, like the person who painted this baby put a little of themselves into it, enjoyed the process, had a vision, took some changes, played.

I think when you see a baby like that you can feel it.

There are a couple artists I really appreciate. Their style isn’t my style, not even close but they know what they are doing and they are sure of themselves, over and over they produce a doll that tells their story. The babies they make are like their fingerprints, no one else has them.

Like you I have never seen another reborn in person aside from my own. I don’t collect, I just hoard art supplies and paint because it makes me happy.


Beautiful! I need u to give me lessons!

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I’m good hands on teaching but haven’t tried doing tutorials yet. Maybe I’ll put one together once my nanny room is done and use that as a real room reference other than my studio



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How big headed would an artist have to be to answer “yes” to this question??? :rofl: :joy: :laughing: :slightly_smiling_face: