Are there more folks getting out of painting?

It seems to me there are more folks quitting painting dolls. I’ve been painting two years this month, I only sell on, seems there are many new folks on there and the competition is stronger. But it also seems like there are a lot of artists on here that are selling their kits and stopping all together. Also, there are many first time artists on here that show their first dolls that are remarkably good. I only have two kits left to paint with my payment due soon. Im going to try to take some time off selling + if I can)


I’ve noticed that too. I would bet that many are struggling bc of COVID and can’t spend as much on the hobby.


I think I have been doing this about three years but it seems as with all things people come and people go. There are people who are retiring, people who thought they would get rich quick and that didn’t happen, there are collectors who thought they would try their hand at painting and changed their minds, and there are some people who are just off to different hobbies.

I would totally be curious how many people last more than five years.

Reborn’s gets a lot of new artists because anyone from any skill level can sell a baby for 20 bucks a month. It is a really good deal and people go there looking for new and emerging artists or babies that are a little less expensive along with some real high quality babies, there is a really good spectrum there. It is a good selling site.


Has anyone trued

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I was there for awhile but I didnt get a enough traffic and never sold anything there. You can use the spy glass and type in art dollery. There should be some threads on it. The owner is a member here but I dont think she gets on very often.


Thank you. I was just wondering since I’ve seen a few people mention it on YouTube and when I went to check it out there wasn’t many reborns listed.


If been in business since 2012 :slight_smile:


Started reborning in 2002, have seen lots of people come and go and lots of changes along the way but I don’t see myself quitting because I love it too much.


I think the reason id plain and simple. Those who can post a doll a day still posting and selling, for many others strategy changed when Reborns membership went to $20/ month. For example, I am hidden on Reborns only because I don’t see a reason to sell before I’ll have 5-6 babies. I did it last year. Only renew in the summertime when I had a few to sell. Sold them in a week and renew again before Xmas when I have another few to sell.
I saw that many artists returned just for Xmas.


Been doing reborning since 2010. It is a very relaxing endeavor for me , still enjoy creating the little ones. :footprints: :baby:


Nice, that’s a long time.


That is awesome, I love it when people do it just because it is joyful and or relaxing.

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I do the same, if I don’t have at least three that month I don’t pay the fee, I will wait. I listed 6 this go around to Etsy, I have three left, I may go ahead and list them on Reborns this weekend.


Yes! I do it on the side though. I work full time in an ER, also going to school to get my Nursing pre-reqs done and have two teens at home that need help with their online schooling. So, when I get a chance to paint, it’s a nice outlet


I’ve been painting for friends and family since 2016, 5 years. I am slowing down but not stopping completely.

@kareninflorida So glad you are here making such beautiful babies and helping us all out by giving us your wealth of information. Thank you!

@MoonlitNightNursery I don’t know where you find the time but please do not ever stop painting, your babies are too awesome and make me so weirdly happy. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :slightly_smiling_face:

@Gabriell In just 3 years you have mastered Realistic and Alternative babies.

@YelenaRey I was jealous you came into this hobby a pro!

@Shera1 Glad you are still enjoying creating because we love your creations.

@Kate Your babies are always beautiful.


@RebornReflections You are probably right. People around me are still getting the dreadful disease, I just don’t talk about it anymore. A couple of close Family Member and good friends as well as Friends Parents have had it and survived some are fighting now. So sad and hard for the loved ones that cannot be there with them. I keep praying that we as humans will understand what we are supposed to learn through all of this.


Life interferes sometimes. First I had to stop for a year due to a neck problem, now I have no time to paint because of work. I’m inactive on reborns at the moment and won’t renew until I have several dolls ready. At this rate, there’s no telling when that will be.

In any event, I’m not worried about competition on reborns. Every doll that is priced appropriately will sell at some point regardless of whatever else is listed.


I’ve been reborning since 2007, and have no plans of quitting! I’ve taken “breaks” here and there for pregnancies and such, but I always start again. I love painting, it’s very therapeutic for me. I struggle with anxiety issues and when I’m painting, it all eases away.


Tank you :kissing_heart:, but you are so funny about me! I soooooooooooooo far from the pro and still learning with each new baby. I think I would grow faster if I paint faster, but unfortunately I paint slooooooooow. Love you and miss your alternative babies!


I am tired just reading all that, I have no idea how you have time to take a shower let alone paint babies, super mom for sure!!! Nursing school is some hard work

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