April....anyone else waiting for her?

Im anxiously awaiting the preorder of April by Joanna Kazmierczak. Not only does she have my first name but she is so adorable. Is anyone else waiting on her? As a novice its helpful and fun to see other people painting the same babies you are :slight_smile:



Oh yes… for a while now ! I love her smile !


She and Sunny would make cute twins.


That is a beautiful baby … I wish she had open eyes.

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I am waiting to buy 2. I am not a doll collector so I don’t have a keeper. However I am making one for myself and the other to reborn and sell. I also have Sunny in my stash for myself :smile: They both remind me of my grand daughter.

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she is darling!!!

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I think she’s cute with closed eyes…she’s having a good dream…or gas? LOL

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I need her!!!

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Im not a collector either. I initially bought two reborns many years ago and promptly stashed them away until my daughter was old enough and now she has them. I decided to start making them last spring and I love that, obviously. My daughter also has the first reborn I made. I think I do like keeping the ones I reborn around for awhile, I like to hold them and dress them up but then Im ready for them to go home :wink:

I know!..I keep checking every day to see if she’s ready for preorder yet.

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Be still, my heart <3 How much will she be?

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Probably around 100, Im thinking.

I thought so. I’m on my first reborn…it would kill me to ruin a 100.00 kit lol

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Buy her and keep her until you are ready.


Good idea…that way you will have her long after most of them would be sold. I have a feeling she will be very popular.


I wasn’t waiting for her but now I am. :joy::joy::joy:


I’m thinking this is going to be a race of who can hit the add to cart button and pay first before they all run out .
Hope I am in front of the line and please don’t anyone run over me I will hurry as fast as I can type :smile:


I check everyday…sometimes several times a day. I want to be first in line as well :wink:
We should post when she is on preorder so no one misses out.

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SHH until you get yours ordered :smile: don’t want to miss out lol

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Yes, order first, then post :wink:

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