Anyone working with Elf-Fred by Karola Wegerich?

I still need to work on my first ordered one when I decided to get a second one for a Christmas Sale. Like the look of the kit. Has anyone else painted him/her yet? What are your thoughts? Likes…dislikes? It’s limited addition which I find as a bonus investment.

Super cute! I don’t have the kit, but I Flynn Woodland elf took a long time to sell. I do think Elf Fred is cuter

He’s longer too, at 21 inches. That might help some. I think it might be seasonally too. Elves/Fairys sell better durring Christmas and sometimes Easters

I have him but haven’t started him . Working on Beesley and Bopsey currently. He isa cutie and hope to get him done before Christmas.

I bought him, but his mouth and grabby hands killed my thrill to paint him. But you are right, may be Xmas will be the right time.


I love his grabby hands. His mouth confused me untill I realized he is sucking his lower lip and it’s exposing some of his toothlessness.