Anyone who is childfree by choice?

Anyone who is childfree by choice?


Was just recently wondering this. I’m not in this catagory, but interested. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Many people are these days. Being someone who isn’t in that category, as much as I love my son dearly, I can assure you parenting isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. :crazy_face:

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My daughter is 35 and announced she did not want children when she was 16.

At 22 she tried to get a tubal ligation but her Gym said that she wouldn’t do one on someone 22 who had not had children.

When she was almost 30 I came to terms with no grandchildren, so i had a late in life baby.

I am sad she won’t have the experience but glad she knows her body and what she wants and doesn’t want for her life.

She seems pretty happy with her decision.


I’m child free by choice- and I don’t regret one sec of my decision- esp now…






I am not child free – 3 children, 4 grand children and 2 great grandchildren. What I want to give to this conversation is that so many these days do not choose to have children. I think that is a very wise choice if they do not want them. And, with the world the way it is now, and seems to be getting worse, I personally don’t think I would want to bring a child into this world today. My hat is off to those that do and do not choose parenthood. It truly is not easy. Parenting isn’t for cowards! The name of a book by Dr. James Dobson. It truly isn’t. :slight_smile: I hope I got my message correct. Sometimes these days I don’t seem to be able to get my story across the way I want to.


One of my dreams growing up was having kids, four to be exact. My husband and I had problems starting a family, but were blessed with twin girls :heart:

One of my daughters has said for years that she is never going to have children. I used to tell her she would change her mind, but she’s older now(teen) so I don’t think that will happen. She did say though, that she wants to adopt a teenager later in life because of how hard it is for them to get adopted :heart:
Even though I was sad at first, I understand that not everyone is cut out for pregnancy/parenting.
Also, I’ve told my girls, that if you don’t want kids, it’s best for you and the kids if you don’t have any. I’ve seen too many who don’t really want/love their children, and I hate it for the kids.
My other daughter has said if she does it will be a long time coming :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
So I’m thinking I might have a “late in life” child myself :grin:




I’m child free by choice. I haven’t wanted children since I was 9 years old. We watched a birthing video in sex ed and once I saw where they came out of…NOPE! lol

Now my husband has kids from his first wife, so I’m a stepmom…2 boys who have proved every day since I met them Christmas 2012 why I never wanted kids and that I made the right decision at 9 years old. Praise the Lord the oldest one graduated high school and went into the Navy last year and God willing the 17 year old will graduate from high school early on January 29th 2021 and then he’s off to the Army. I’ll finally be free!

No offense to those who love and want kids…I knew from 9 that I wasn’t a kid person…my Mom came from a family of 8 with everyone having at least 3 kids each (except my Mom, who only had 2 and my Aunt Cathy who passed away at 11 years old). I’m the oldest on my Mom’s side, so I did my time with babies and diapers anyway with all my cousins and my brother who is 7 years younger than me. lol