Anyone Pre-Ordering Luxe By Cassie Brace?

I know I shouldnt…cause God knows I’m overflowing in kits…but its sooo deliciously newborn and I’m a total sucker for that. Who else is thinking of, going to, or on the fence about Luxe Brace?


I’ve been on the fence just because funds are low but dang it I don’t think I’m gonna be able to say no!

Lol if I didn’t pay the kings ransom I would. Lol

Considering her! Do any of the dealers have prices posted yet? Seems like they all wait until the day it opens to add prices these days! I want to be able to compare before I order.

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hmmm i dont think so. I’ve been trying to see more details.

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I know she is open from the 5th-10th.

I don’t have funds right now but I would buy one if I did. I have Xander.

Cassie posted something earlier that said 69.95 GPB which is about $95 USD ( I think)

Dolls by Sandie has the price

$10 preorder and $89.90 later

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Thanks - shipping gets added to that so we need to wait for MacPhersons price to see if it is $5.00 more because then she will be a better deal. TruBorn usually has a good price, as does Nonie’s.


$97.50 at Nonies. Looks like you can order her now. It is January 5th in the U.K. . Still no price at MacPhersons.

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I heard Nonies does free shipping over $100?

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Maybe that’s why she is priced at $97.50? I ordered Tink from Nonie’s because she had the best price. Brenda will probably come in at $99.90 or $105.90 and she does free shipping on the $99 and change kits. I am watching and considering??? Sandy’s pre-order price is only $10.00.

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$136 here in OZ. And add postage $12 approx. to that. ($148 at least) So no, not for me.

Looks like Nonies has the best price for USA?

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Macpherson’s has included the cloth body too for $99.

This is a dumb question but I’m throwing it out there anyway… is the kit the same no matter where you order from? Dolls by Sandy have you order a body extra and MacPherson’s comes with a body… Are those bodies from the artist or from the company?

The kit is the same wherever you order from. I am just guessing that Sandy’s includes the body and she has made an error in the description. Typically, the sculptor includes the body with ALL of the dealers. I ordered from Brenda at MacPhersons to get the free shipping.


Irresistibles pre order is today $20.00 deposit and $79.00 later it still has TBD by body so that isnt known yet from what they have on site.

I emailed Dolls by Sandy…they have corrected their listing to reflect that the body is included. I am sure it is on all of the sites.


Thank you!!! This is probably who I am ordering with. They have pretty fast shipping.